Computer Consultant It began one day at a little place I used to work at, just after I had gotten into the computer consulting business. It was a small shop with about ten people that did typical office work, mostly typing. A woman named Margaret managed it for a guy who let her run things pretty much however she wanted as long as she kept costs to a minimum. That meant hiring mostly young girls, whom she could pay peanuts, to crank out the paperwork along with a couple of men to do the real work - like operating and maintaining the computers. I had increased the efficiency of the place tenfold by installing a microcomputer network to handle their wordprocessing chores. I set 'em up with a 386 clone and a 100 meg hard disk as the server running the ever-popular N network with about half a dozen XTs as stations. Margaret was both thrilled and thankful for my effort. After the installation of the hard and soft wares I was called back only for repairs, program updating and new employee training. The girls were very computer illiterate, as most women are, and I really had my hands full training them. I could almost hear their disk heads grinding against the platters every time one of them began randomly pushing keys in panic. Still, due to my expertise, Margaret had a nice, tight little operation going. Two girls, Lisa and Linda, labored full-time and her two daughters, Diane and Daphne, worked part-time. There was also one full-time male computer operator, Jeff. And that was it. I went on consulting status and Margaret was able to save money by using me only when she needed support, which was on a fairly spotty basis, but pretty often. I still don't know whether to thank God or Satan that she needed me that day. Maybe I should thank them both. Here is a brief description of the employees. LISA - Nineteen years old, just out of high school and with no intention of going any further, she was the stuff of men's dreams. She stood 5'4" and weighed in at around 120 pounds; a little on the fleshy side, but in all the right places. Her hair was brown and wavy and fell to the middle of her back which arched down to one of those butts a man would give anything to squeeze; a long, deep crack between round, bulging white globes that stuck way out and jiggled slightly when she walked. A pouty little mouth was planted in the middle of her rosy, apple-cheeked face. Her plump lips were painted a deep, wet shade of red and she wore rose-tinted glasses over deep-brown doe eyes. Topping this off was a pair of 48EEE tits with nipples that were, unbelievably, half an inch across and poked out about the same length from her tight sweaters when they were hard. A generous layer of baby fat still cushioned her low-slung hips. Jutting out from a nicely padded middle, they flanked a soft, round, slightly-raised little belly. In other words a sweet, young, juicy, wet-dream put on this earth for only one reason - Man's pleasure. DAPHNE - The manager's older daughter. Also nineteen, she was more like the girl next door, but with some important differences. She stood maybe an inch or two taller than Lisa and was skinnier, almost thin. Her short, curly brown hair framed one of those cute little cheerleader-type faces in the middle of which was planted a set of full, wide lips. All of her weight seemed to have gone straight to her tits and ass because they sure jutted out nicely in both directions from that thin frame; bottom heavy and top heavy at the same time, if you know what I mean. Her tits were the kind that are full and heavy on the bottom and sort of slope down from the top; real hangers. She always wore these hanging blouses with no bra and her sloping tits made them hang way out in front of her. I could see right through to her big, spongy nipples. Her ass was the real treasure, though. I had seen this kind on only one or two other girls in many years of watching and I doubt that many of you will know what I'm talking about when I describe it because it is so rare. It starts lower down on the back than on most women and builds downward and out toward the rear into huge, meaty cheeks that seem to blend right into the legs and end just above the knee. It was as if her upper legs were one huge pair of ass sponges. (You see, I said you wouldn't know what I was talking about, but I hope you can picture it now). If Lisa was a wet dream, Daphne was a deliciously gross fantasy. She seemed kind of innocent, but I sensed something else lying underneath all of that. LINDA - Linda was the one girl who didn't seem to fit in with the others at this place. First, she looked quite a bit older than the other girls although she was actually only twenty. And second, she was built differently. She was the tallest one in the place at 5'9" or 5'10"; an inch or two taller than me and she was big; maybe 180 or 190 pounds. She was definitely approaching fat, but I would describe her more as chunky and fully packed. Big, bulging legs anchored a rotund upper body from which hung two beefy arms. Her rump cheeks were wide and fat and rode high up on her hips. For a big girl her tits weren't anything to speak of, actually just a pretty nice medium set. She had some acne on a round face from which hung straight, short, very blond hair. Her clothes were different too. While all the other girls in the office usually wore some sort of blouse and skirt, Linda was always in tight jeans and t-shirts. But the thing that really got me was the look on her face. Not when she was with the other girls, who she seemed to get along with, but when she was alone. I'll never forget that blank, almost obscene stare. MARGARET - The manager. She was about 38 years old with fiery orange-red hair like her daughter Diane. Although I could see she was starting to go downhill, she was still in pretty good shape for her age. She must have worked out some because there wasn't an ounce of fat on her angular torso and her pretty face was still tight and smooth. But all that excersize had pulled everything in hard and tight. There were no soft woman parts hanging out. Small ass, small chest, hard mouth. It just wasn't for me. I prefer the young, fleshy bulging stuff I saw on the other girls. But I liked Margaret and had many good talks with her. She seemed like your typical middle-aged housewife; a little on the naive side, but nice. JEFF - The only full-time male employee, Jeff was about the same age as the others. He was on the skinny side, about medium height and already going slightly bald at his young age. He seemed not to take the slightest interest in any of the girls, except maybe Margaret's eighteen year old daughter Diane, being more into his work than anything else. He seemed to me like any ordinary american teenager approaching manhood and I got along well with him. DIANE - Diane was the manager's younger daughter who I had seen Jeff gazing at and I didn't blame him. She was something to stare at. Bright red hair like her mother's swirled down around her freckled face. It wasn't dyed red either and it was exciting to think that all her other hair was the same color. Hotpants-pink lipstick coated her protruding young lips. She had just turned eighteen and was barely into womanhood, but one could see that she was developing fast. She had the same height as Daphne, but wasn't quite as big up front. Her budding little tits were like creamy cupcakes with ripe cherries stuck on top. The saliva pumped into my mouth at thought of licking them and also feeling her little butt, which was still forming. It hadn't quite plumped out yet, but the parts by the crack were sticking way out. It made me want to cup one mound in each hand, my fingers meeting in that deep slot, and squeeze. She was a little tease, too young and innocent to know what she was doing to me (and Jeff). THE BOSS - I had never met the guy who owned the place, Gene was his name, but I heard he was in his early forties and sometimes paid a visit to his offices. I looked forward to meeting him someday. ME - I'll be your narrator for what happened on that incredible day; your eyes, ears, hands and any other thing you can imagine. Call me... Roy. Although I'm no great writer, I hope I can describe it well enough to allow you to become part of the action. For that to work you are going to have to believe and imagine that you were there. It won't work if you just read the words. I want you to take my place that day and imagine some women you know (or would like to know) being there too, taking the place of Lisa, Daphne and Diane. Although it happened years ago, it still burns in my memory and, if your imagination can put you and your women into the action, I believe it will burn in yours too. That day started out like any other. Margaret had called me in to fix some equipment that the girls had wrecked for the umpteenth time. I was getting kind of bored with the routine, but I was more than glad to go in and get another drooling look at those girls. I couldn't believe that hot young stuff like this really existed, let alone that I was close enough to touch them. But they did exist. And although I hadn't done anything, I didn't know how long I could hold out before I tried something for real. As soon as I walked in the door I knew this wasn't going to end up like any ordinary day. First, Margaret tells me that the boss is coming in for his first visit to our office and then I see Lisa standing in the main room with her back to me talking with Daphne. It was winter but all she wore was a micro mini-skirt that barely covered the bottom of her butt. Her tight thighs strained at the sheer material of the red pantyhose that covered her legs as she turned to say hello to me. I almost dropped my toolbox when I saw her from the front. She had on a tight red sweater that was bulging full of her heavy tits like I had never seen them before. They jiggled slightly just from her turning and her nipples were so hard and big that I could see the little bumps standing out on them, even through the heavy material of the sweater. As she turned around again to resume her talk I started walking toward them to go into the computer room, my penis stiffening as I walked. I had to kind of squeeze behind Lisa to get by. I looked down and her butt mounds were bulging out so far that I couldn't even see the floor. The sight was too much for me and as I went by, without caring if I got caught, I pushed my free hand up under the mini-skirt and squeezed one buttock, even forcing my thumb a little way into the crack. The tights gave way as her ripe butt flesh squished between my fingers and the place where my thumb pushed the nylon into her crack felt hot and slippery. I gave her cheek one more squeeze and moved on quickly, sweating a little at what I had just gotten away with. How could anything so wrong feel so right! Lisa must have sensed that I was right behind her because, luckily for me, she didn't even move when I felt her. She could have screamed or jumped or turned me in to the others, but she just went on talking to Daphne like nothing had happened. Needless to say, I was very relieved. "The little bitch probably thought she was doing an old man a big favor by giving me that feel", I thought. But it was sure worth the risk and I was hard as a rock as I went into the other room. I sure didn't feel like working on some machine, but what else could I do. Besides, I wanted to stick around as long as possible and maybe get another grab later on. I was still carrying Lisa's ass grease on my thumb as I entered the other room, my body heat keeping it just as warm and oily as when it was inside her. I began to picture her walking by me, those full, jiggling cheeks slipping and sliding against each other, lubricated by the stuff in the crack and I could barely stand it. I bent my nose down to my thumb and sniffed. To my surprise it didn't smell bad at all; kind of musky and perfumed. If we were alone, I would have gone back out and butt fucked her on the spot, but I couldn't with all those people around, so I did the only thing I could think of to cool down until I could make my move. Licking the oil from my thumb, I went to work. Besides the usual full-timers, Diane, Daphne and myself also happened to be working that day. Linda was wearing her usual heavy denim jeans with t-shirt and was doing some reports in the back. Jeff sat at his usual station at the desk in the equipment room. Daphne had come dressed in jeans also; the soft, faded blue-denim material grossly stretched out in the rear by her bulging behind. And she had on that loose blouse again, hanging way out over her melons. Her nipple stalks were long and stiff due to the cold; so hard that she seemed to be in a little pain as I watched her talk to Lisa. The sight made my mouth drool a little as I walked by. Diane stood in the report room next to Linda. She had on one of those clinging, tight one-piece sweater-dress affairs that young stuff like her shouldn't wear. The way it molded itself around her showed off all of her young sex parts as if she were naked. Her apple tits grew straight out from her ribcage, the little nipples riding high up on them and her tight buns with the jutting half-moons were snugly molded by the soft, fuzzy cotton cloth. It had even tightened its way in between her legs in front so that I could clearly see the raised ridges of her rounded little pube sausages. I imagined that peach-sized twat softly filling my hand; my middle finger sliding into her slot like a hotdog in a bun. "Margaret shouldn't let her dress like this in public", I thought, but I wasn't about to complain. As I began going through the motions with the repair, I spotted Daphne entering the equipment room. I was sitting on the floor, pretty well hidden behind an equipment rack by the small table and I gazed hungrily at her as she walked by; her ass cheeks jiggling violently under the thin denim of her jeans. Jeff didn't even look at her, but I sure did as she grabbed her big rumps to adjust the panties which had ridden up deep into her crack. Her hands nearly disappeared as they sunk into her soft, buttery butt flesh. She rubbed and pulled the panties through the jeans until she had them properly stretched back over her basketballs and then wriggled over to the table. I had long since given up working and I gaped up with my mouth wide open as she stood right over me at the table. Bending at the waist, appearing to read some paper, she gave me a wide open view of her bare tits through the bottom of the open, hanging blouse. She must not have even know I was there because, after looking around to be sure no one else was in there, she slid her hands up under her blouse and hefted one of her big melons in each hand. Squeezing and rubbing, the white breast flesh bulging out between her fingers, Daphne's mouth opened and she let out a low gutteral grunt. "I knew there was something different about this girl", I thought as my left hand began to stroke my thickening dick through my pants. As I gazed up, stroking a little faster now, Daphne moved her index fingers up and began rubbing her plump nipple sacks until they began to pucker and wrinkle. Another series of soft moans were forced from her lips as her nipples began stiffening outward by themselves like little cock shafts. I picked up the pace of my jacking, not caring if she heard me or not at that point, when I saw her begin to rub and pinch those light-brown puckered nipples. Grunting and groaning freely now, but only loud enough for me to hear, Daphne began to quiver and shake slightly. I didn't think it was possible, but it looked like she was going to come just from fondling her tits and nipples! I felt my balls start to tighten and a trickle of pre-cum stain my shorts in anticipation as I watched Daphne continue to self-pleasure her tits. We were both working furiously now. With thumb and forefinger Daphne was jerking off her nipples like they were a pair of stiff little dicks. Her breasts had swelled to almost double their normal size and began flushing to a dull purple color. They stretched the tit sacks so tight there was no jiggle in them anymore and they had grown four or five inches in length too. They looked like the ends of monstrous, erect purple salamis sticking out of her chest. Daphne had cupped as much as she could of those tight tubes with the remaining fingers of each hand and started jacking off her own tits! She worked the skin back and forth in a hard, fast rhythm in time with the thumb-stroking of her nipple shafts; the swollen, purple breast meat sliding inside the tight, transluscent outer skin. Although she was pumping at lightening speed now, I could see that her hands were working in unison, both sliding in and out at the same time over her jugs and nipples. Her back was forced into an arch and with each stroke her whole upper body and neck jerked forward not three feet away from my awestruck face. I looked up into her mouth which was held stretched open in a silent scream as she jerked off her tits. Her nostrils flared out and her face flushed a dull, blood red. She had gotten some lubrication from a liquid that began seeping out of her nipple holes and her hands became a slippery, sliding blur as Daphne's tit climax overtook her. Even as her her body became paralyzed in orgasm her hands continued to work. As I stared in shock, her nipples came and began spurting their tit cream out in gushes, each stroke of her hands squeezing out a long, steady stream of milky cum-juice from each tit. At that moment I also exploded, filling my pants with more cum than I had every shot before, but it was no match for the waterfall flowing from Daphne's pumping boobs. As if they had a life of their own, they continued to pump out streams of tit-jism, gradually emptying their swollen sacs, while Daphne stood frozen like a statue in the grip of her orgasm. The only other movement came from her throat which was spasming up and down trying to force air into her lungs, but even her breathing had ceased. Her bulging, staring eyes and grossly distorted, open mouth showed me the terror inside of her; knowing she was running out of oxygen, out of life itself and yet also knowing she was powerless to voluntarily move a muscle. Her horror increased as she watched her hands continue on their own to squeeze out more and more; her tits beginning to wobble again after emptying out some of the pressure. They must have pumped it out for 30 or 40 seconds! Her fingers were so completely covered with the slime that each stroke filled the room with slippery, squelching, slurping noises. Most of the stuff landed on the tabletop, but much of it streamed down onto my face and clothes. I opened my mouth and tongue to it, drinking in the sweet white syrup even as my prick was pouring out its own juice into my lap. As she began to come down I thought to myself, "No one has ever seen what you just have and nobody is ever likely to see it again. And who would believe it, if I told them!". Choking, gurgling noises woke me out of my stupor as I looked up at Daphne. Gentle spasms racked her body from head to toe, like she was shivering in the cold, as the last of the cream oozed from her nipples. It covered her tits, which had come down to their normal size and color. Gooey, white masses of it hung and dripped from her fingers and nipples, which she still had hold of. She gave one last shudder and appeared to come out of her trance, staring at her chest as if not knowing what she had done. Somewhat ashamedly, she began to clean herself off (the bathroom wasn't in this room). Using her fingers, she scooped up the still warm, thickening cream off of her breasts in several loads, licking and sucking it into her mouth each time and swallowing it down. Her smacking lips made delicious squishing noises as she tried to swallow and clean the voluminous white goo off her tongue. It had become thick enough that I could see her gagging a little as her throat muscles worked hard to move each lump of the stuff down. She finished the job off by lifting each breast up to her mouth, suckling her fat nipples and licking the jelly clean. She looked around, red-faced with embarrassment and, seeing that no one was around, began to go back out to work in the main office. Watching Daphne lick and clean herself off, I felt my dick begin rising again out of the cold puddle of cum that had accumulated in my pants. I couldn't believe I could get hard again that fast, but she was that hot of a show. I had begun lazily stroking my slimy pole again when, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Linda's large form moving into the room. Daphne must have spotted her too because she immediately let go of her boobs and tried to make a dash for the exit. She had a frightened look on her face that I couldn't quite figure out as she tried to fly past Linda. Even Jeff turned his head to look at this. He crawled down next to me behind the table and whispered "Don't say anything and don't try to stop her. Just watch and you'll get the show of your life". After what I had just seen I couldn't figure out what he meant, but I watched and waited in anticipation. Daphne's breasts were bouncing violently as she ran for the door, blouse flying up over her head. She had almost made it when Linda side-stepped neatly, grabbed one of Daphne's melons in mid-air with both hands and used it to yank her back into the room. In the same motion the door was quietly flicked shut by an outstretched foot. I wondered how she could get away with this with nobody in the other rooms hearing, when in a flash Linda whipped a wad of cloth about the size of a rolled up pair of gym socks out her pants pocket and stuffed it forcefully into Daphne's wide open mouth, shutting off the scream that was forming there. Daphne's cheeks began to puff outward as Linda used her fingers to push in more and more of the wad. Daphne's lips, which had been kept painfully stretched open while Linda was pushing the socks in, collapsed around it after the whole thing had been forced in. The bulge immediately began soaking up her saliva and swelled up, completely filling Daphne's mouth and throat; allowing only the tiniest opening in back to breathe. She could just get enough air in through her nose to keep herself alive if she concentrated on that; nevermind trying to spit out the ugly plug. Her mouth was stuffed good and solid. A couple of times, when her concentration slipped, I could hear her hacking up phelgm as the moist wool tickled her throat and the gag reflex took over. I'm sure she was trying to scream, but only soft animal grunts got past the wet ball. Her lips couldn't completely close over it, it was so swollen in her mouth by now. "Jesus Christ!", I thought, "Linda must have come prepared for this. There's no other reason for carrying such a thing in her pocket. She must have done this before!". Linda pulled her inside using the tit for a handle. Daphne stopped dead in her tracks as her boob stretched tight in the two-fisted grip. She had no other choice than to follow along or have it yanked right out of the socket! I wanted to help her, but I sensed that this was a ritual that had been performed before and that I should mind my own business. Besides, I was still pretty worked up from before and this show was making me hard again despite the brutality. In spite of my conscience I found my hand pulling a little faster now at the sight of Daphne's mouth bulging with that gag. She tried to fight back, but it was no use. Besides having to use most of her effort just to keep breathing, Daphne was no match for Linda's bulk. Releasing one hand, Linda used the tit for leverage as she moved in from behind, twisting her victim around and forcing her to bend over the table by planting a foot in the back of Daphne's knees. Jeff and I could now look up into Daphne's tear-streaked face. She was sobbing openly; whimpering and trembling from the pain and humiliation that Linda was putting on her. I felt sorry for her, but I was excited at the same time. I unzipped my pants and released my stiffness into to my pumping fist as Jeff and I watched Linda take complete control. Her big belly pressed against those luscious butt cheeks pinning Daphne's waist against the table, chunky legs spread wide around Daphne's, clamping them together tightly at the knee. There was no movement possible from the waist down. I could see that Linda's tongue had flopped out between her lips and some saliva had started dribbling down her chin. Her dull eyes were fixed with that obscene stare as she went to work up top. Lifting the blouse up to the neck with one hand, she grabbed both of Daphne's wrists in the other meaty paw and forced her arms up in back, bending them at the elbows so that the hands met together up near the neck. A look of sheer panic crossed Daphne's face as she realized her position, but Linda kept on with the precision of a surgeon. Working the loose ends of the blouse, she bunched and twisted them until she had one fairly long braid with which she tied the wrists together tightly in back. I began pumping rapidly at the sight. Hidden only a few feet below I could see that Daphne was now completely secured, her own blouse-collar forming a tight halter around her neck; the other end stretching into a tight rope to cuff her wrists painfully in back of her neck. Trying to move her arms brought instant choking from the collar and any movement of the head, except to stretch it backwards, pulled painfully on arms already bent to the breaking point. My breathing started coming in gasps as I kept up a steady, rapid jacking with my fist, the other hand massaging my contracting balls. Linda had her tamed and didn't appear to be in any hurry. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next. In her right fist Linda grabbed both of daphne's slim wrists at the point they were tied and wrapped her fingers up around the blouse-rope going to the neck. It was ingenious and evil at the same time. Just using the one hand to pull on the rope and wrists, Linda could force Daphne's upper body into any position she wanted by various combinations of neck chokes and shoulder pain. For now she kept her bent over about halfway down to the table; tits, still shiny wet from her earlier licking, hanging down heavily; dull white cloth swelling out of the O formed by her partially closed lips. With her free left hand Linda began unbuttoning Daphne's jeans. The whimpering stopped and a new look came over Daphne's face as she struggled to no avail against Linda's invading fingers. It was no use. The blouse harness was working perfectly and the other girl's big tree trunk legs had hers locked tightly below. The tears started flowing again as Daphne realized the helplessness of her position. Linda had deftly worked Daphne's fly open and, with one swipe of her huge hand, ripped the jeans down to her knees. Daphne's huge, pantied, jiggly behinds spilled out all over the place. They sprung back up hard, as the jean cloth released them, as if attached to springs at the back of her waist. They ballooned back down again, the bottom ends of the humps actually bulging below her knees on their way down, before springing back up again. They were like those slinky toys I used play with as a kid. Boinga...Boinga....Boinga.... They had gotten out of sync on the release, one fleshy mound on the way down bulging past the other one on the way up; one agitating the other into more violent jiggling each time they slid past each other. We all stared mezmerized as they bounced up and down, slowing down a little on each pass, until they finally rumbled to halt after a full ten seconds. Daphne's pants must have been holding her buttocks in a little because they were larger than anything I had imagined when staring at them through the jean cloth. They WERE the size of basketballs at the bottom. They were encased in sheer, stretchy pink panties that were normal in front; snuggly stretched over her brown, well-padded twat; but the pouch in back was the size of a grocery bag! The upper half of the thick cylinders were plumped out with flesh that jiggled at the slighest touch all the way up the thick slope to her waist. There was no space between her upper legs; only one long ass crack that looked a little raw from the sliding friction when Linda had released them. Linda now had those buttocks out in the air exposed to herself. A little life even came into her dull, half-exposed eyes for a moment as she looked down at them sagging and straining that huge, pink panty-sack to the breaking point. As I continued to pump myself, Linda sunk her hand into one butt cheek and began to work on it through the panties. Kneading and massaging, her strong fat fingers repeatedly clenched closed, squishing Daphne's panties and flesh out between them, and then released; butt jello jiggling back into place. Daphne's look had changed again. It wasn't anything near pleasure, but I could tell that Linda's fondling hand was forcing her to heat up in spite of herself. Tightening her strain on Daphne's tether, Linda forced her to bend farther over the table. With her butt hand she grabbed the elastic band of one leg of the large panties and pulled it back about six inches, bringing it out and over the cheek. When she let go, it snapped back into Daphne like a firecracker going off; sending her rubbery ass wobbling up and down the length of her. Despite her gag-stuffed mouth Daphne let out a loud muffled cry as the panties snapped back in the middle of her rump exposing the bottom of one cheek to the air. Linda repeated the process on the other side, this time pulling the panty-leg back a foot. Another, louder groan poured from Daphne's gag. Both of Daphne's behinds were now exposed at the bottom, showing the whole bottom half of each white, fleshy mound; the rest of her bottom still tightly filling the underpants. Linda's hand found the now slack bottoms of the panty-bag where they had been pulled up. Twisting them like she had done to the blouse, she formed about a six inch length of thick, rope-like panty material. Forcing it under the taut upper half of Daphne's underpants, Linda pushed it deep into the crack. The full six inches sunk in without even reaching Daphne's butthole, but Linda didn't care about that. She must have known from before that Daphne's ass crack was as sensitive as the hole itself and began driving the thick rod of pink material in and out with her hand. Somehow she knew how to twist it so it was as hard a man's cock because it went in and out of Daphne's ass slot with ease. Holding it in her fist by the end attached to the rest of Daphne's panties, Linda stretched the end around until it looked like it was a cock growing out of her groin, her hand on the base. She began a slow grinding with her wide, chunky hips; matching the rhythm of the panty-cock as it slid in and out of Daphne, butt-fucking her ass-crack like a man would. All the while, Daphne was kept bent far over the table with the neck and arm brace. She was breathing faster now, nostrils flaring in and out with the effort; a muffled stream of moans and groans pouring from the gag. I couldn't believe my eyes. She was going to get off being force-fucked in the rear end by another girl with a dildo made from part of her own panties, half of which she was still wearing! She began jerking her hips backward to meet Linda's inward thrusts and her tits began to swell again without any help from her hands this time; erect nipples already a hard deep brown. I had nearly forgotten about my own dick. My hand had been jerking like crazy for the past few minutes and my cock was straining to blast, painfully hard in my hand. But I couldn't let myself go yet. Linda was picking up the pace and I wanted to be around for the finish. Planting one of her big shoes, Linda forced Daphne to bend in at the knees. Her rump jutted out farther, giving Linda an even better angle. Her powerful hips began snapping it in. The pink rod had actually become thicker and harder, soaking up the oily secretions from Daphne's asshole which were lubricating her butt. Whipping her thrusting hips savagely, Linda let go of the dildo and leash, the twitching Daphne no longer needing to be controlled, and rammed her hands down the front of the panties. Through the sheer material I saw Linda's hands go down on Daphne's mound. Cupping it from the top in one palm, she parted the engorged brick-red outer lips with two fingers and split the gushy inner cunt lips in two with three fingers of her other hand. Daphne nearly jumped out of her skin as Linda's fingers went to work inside of her, but somehow she managed to maintain her position. She continued to hold her upper body over the table, bending at the waist, her face grossly stretched out toward the front by the tight blouse-choker fastened to her wrists in back. Her tits had tightened themselves again into dull purple sausages; the nipples already beginning to leak fluid. I don't know how she did it. Maybe she was already beginning to feel the paralysis that was coming. Linda was still fucking her butt hard from the rear without holding on at all. The straps of panty material attached to the part still on Daphne's upper ass were holding the thick, greasy panty-rope inside. Every backward thrust of her ass cheeks forced it out of the slot and every forward crack of Linda's hips drove it back in, in the process forcing Daphne's cunt forward to self-fuck on her fat fingers. A heavy slapping rhythm filled the room from Linda's big, lardy stomach slamming into Daphne's jiggling jelly buns. Whap! Whap! Whap! Whump! Blat! Blat! Blat! Whomp! Whack! Whack! I was getting off on those sounds alone! Linda's three fingers were a flickering, tickling windmill inside Daphne's vagina causing her to sling her butt-bags with even greater fury onto Linda's pumping dildo. They were banging so hard and fast that Daphne's butt-grease began turning into a hot, tan foam that began bubbling out from under the remains of her panties. Linda suddenly jerked up on the swollen mons in her hand and Daphne's grey pre-cum juice flooded onto it. I now heard slicking noises from the foamy dildo in back and slurping sounds from the sliding hand in front intermixed with the butt-slapping and Daphne's groaning. It was too much for me! I knew she was about to orgasm like never before! I couldn't miss it! Without thinking I hopped up onto the table. I got onto my knees in front of Daphne's flushed, upturned, straining face; still pumping my stiff, red tool wildly in my hand. Linda didn't even seem to know I was there! She was too focused on her increasing fuck-rhythm into Daphne to notice. I thought I saw just a flicker of obscene approval for what I was doing and then it was back to the stare. Daphne's eyes bulged wide open, however, when she saw me. Her eyes seemed to cry out to me, "You were hiding in here all along?! you saw what I did to myself? How could you !!!!!". I felt like a real heel at that point, but the heat deep in my testicles made me realize that I couldn't help myself no matter what. Her outraged eyes melted into orgasmic horror as the thrusting instruments in her vagina and buttocks began slowly pushing her over the edge and I made my next move. I found myself looking at her shiny tight breasts, almost black with color now, protuding eight inches straight out from under her armpits and her arms tied tight behind her upstraining, choked neck and I knew I had to grasp those eggplants in my hands and jerk them off like she had done to herself. Latching on to them from underneath, I could only get my fingers about halfway around the bottom half of her hard, swollen, deep-purple bazooms. My palms began working back and forth on the underside of her jugs. They were hard, but springy on the outside and they gave in a little to my gripping pressure. I stroked harder and the outer skin began to move back and forth with my hands, like the sliding foreskin on a man's prick. But the inner, blood-tight tubes were distended hard. As I moved the skin back and forth I could feel them growing in there, even longer and more erect. The juice from her nipples mixed into my fingers causing my palms to slip and slide. White foam began coating my hands as her inner tits pulsated like dicks about to come. Splacking sounds from my foamy hands now reeled my senses as I slid them faster and faster over Daphne's turgid balloons. Linda was still pumping like a machine into her slippery behind, not letting up, maintaining a constant driving fuck. Daphne's body began stiffening. I knew it was beginning for her and my balls twitched in anticipation of her release, when I spied my still rock-hard penis straining into thin air. My hands weren't about to loose their jerking grip on Daphne's slithering boobs. My eyes were darting around desperately for a way when they landed on her puffy, blushing cheeks and the sopping wad protuding from her round, semi-open lips. Even with her body partially frozen in semi-orgasm she saw where my wild eyes were staring and what I was about to do to her. Could I actually do it? Her panic-stricken eyes and bound neck were shaking "No..No..Please God No!". After what I had seen that day and in my current state it took me about 2 seconds to decide. Her eyes lit up in agonizing, complete surrender as I moved up on her and pushed my thick member into her sopping, cloth-stuffed O just as Daphne's climax paralyzed her completely. Her accumulated saliva drooled out all over her glistening, stretched lips as I jerked my cock into her mouth as hard as I could. With Daphne's head now frozen in her horror filled cum-stare, she was unable to move at all. I pushed three-quarters of my 6 inches in against the soft, sucking wad of cloth. It stretched her spit-covered lips wider apart on the way in. Her inner organs were still working, though. My cock pushed the gag ahead of it, as I forced myself in, mashing the whole sticky ball against the back of her throat, an inch-wide plug filling her windpipe completely. Her body remained still, but a deep rumble emitted from her blocked throat. Sickening, puking sounds came out as her involuntary throat muscles tried to dry-heave the blocking wad out of there. Oblivious to any of this, I began to fuck her mouth, the oozing cloth gag sucking and grabbing at my prick like moist cuntlips. Relief came for her only when I withdrew for the next stroke. She had only a split second to suck in a sip of air through her nose before the gag was again forced down into her throat by my next pumping thrust. Gut-wrenching dry-pukes heaved up from deep inside her belly as she fought to keep breathing. I didn't care at that point. I could feel the hot semen gushing up my shaft like a geyser as I rammed her gag-stuffed mouth. Linda, still humping her ass relentlessly, whipped her fingers out of Daphne's swollen, sloshy pubes and rapidly grabbed at the end of her pumping cock-rope. She stepped back an inch and splunged her fist deep into Daphne's ass crack, her whole hand and half of her fat forearm disappearing between the billowing cheeks. I could see the lump of her fist moving around under there, rippling out one cheek and then the other. At last she found the dark, oily inner hole she had been seeking and jammed the whole greasy rope into Daphne's anus with one stroke. Just as I began to spurt, Daphne blew like a volcano. Cream began spewing out of her tits again as the pistons inside pushed it from her nipple holes in streams. It covered my hands, which were still jerking, and ran down my arms, burning on the way down like a lava flow. Linda was massaging her mons when a bucket of sex juice flooded out of her inner sex, covering Linda's hand completely and pouring into the panty-bag until it began to look like a pink, bulging water balloon. At the same time I flooded the gag inside her mouth with my semen, my full sacs rippling with each forceful contraction. One long, gutteral, gurgling moan erupted from her paralyzed mouth as my cock cream oozed into the tight spaces around the gag, soaking into the saliva-filled cloth until it began to spill out onto her lips and chin. I pulled out, unable to get any more in, but still coming. With one tit-cum coated hand I jerked the remainder of my jism all over the outside of her stuffed face. I thought, "This has to be the biggest cum of all time!", as I pumped and stroked and splashed it onto her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks; even swamping her nose with the gooey ooze. Her face could barely be seen under it, so complete was the covering. It began to slide slowly down to hang in big gobby drips from her chin and nose and eyebrows. Daphne remained completely motionless in orgasm throughout the whole thing, mouth gagged and eyes gaped open wide. After orgasming for two solid minutes, she began coming out it, shivering like before as if coming out of a trance. But this time it was different. Her gentle after-cum trembling gradually turned into great, racking sobs that shook her whole body. Tears poured into her cum-coated face at the humiliating sex Linda and I had forced her to enjoy. The shame was too great for her, but Linda wasn't though yet. She moved her cunt-hand back up to the restraining leash and jerked backward, pulling Daphne almost upright with her head angled backwards. She was have real trouble breathing now, what with her nostrils filled shut with my hardening cum and her mouth stuffed with the even bigger cum-expanded gag. The force of the pull brought a great gushing heave from the pit of her stomach and she blew out the gag. It plopped onto the tabletop with a icky 'splat'. With her mouth now free, I though Daphne would be screaming her head off, but all she did was continue to sob and gasp for air. I guess she was too embarrassed to let anyone else know anyway. As I continued to look on, kneeling exhausted from my own climax, Linda took a grab on the blouse-leash with her teeth, holding Daphne's head strained backwards. With one free hand she grabbed a paper cup off the desk and held it in back under the panty remnants tightly gripping Daphne's legs. Slowly she pulled her still buried fist from Daphne's crack, sliding out the butt-plug-dildo at the same time. Jiggling ass cheeks unrolled the panty-cock and, as the tight upper panties loosened their grip, Daphne's vaginal cum began to thickly seep out. Linda twisted and worked the creamy panties in one hand, catching the ooze in the cup. When she was finished, she had almost a complete cupful of Daphne's cream. Still holding the head back with the cord in her buck-teeth, Linda brought her free hand up to Daphne's nose and pinched it off between thumb and forefinger. With the strong pinkie of the same hand she poked down into the chin, forcing the mouth open. Head and neck yanked back, throat and mouth forced open, Daphne offered no resistance as Linda poured her own jism into her from the large cup. After each lump of cum-pudding had oozed in Linda would hook her pinkie under Daphne's chin, forcing her jaws closed. Daphne had to swallow the gob before Linda allowed her lips open for another breath. Pouring in too fast for Daphne's gagging swallows, some of it flowed out to smear her chin, swirling into a pearly mixture with my cum. I could see down into her mouth and thickly coated tongue as her throat spasmed and choked her own thick juice down into her awaiting stomach. A sick green tinge appeared on Daphne's face and series of shuddering spasms racked her tummy. It looked like she was about to throw up the whole thing! Linda also felt the signals. As she poured in the last ounce of goo, she dropped the cup, picked up the sopping mess of a gag off the table and, still pinching the nose off, mushed the big, cold, wet wad back in through Daphne's struggling lips. Linda now let go with both hands and teeth and stood back watching in delight. Daphne, standing in the middle of the room, free except for the neck truss, arms still tied tightly up in her back, bent forward at the waist and heaved. As Jeff and I looked on, stunned, her knees buckled and a torrent of thick cum shot back up from her spasming stomach, rocketing out her throat tube into the back of the cloth ball. She almost fell over backwards from the force, but managed to stay on her feet. Almost half of the wad ballooned out of her lips from the force of the jolting liquid. I though it was going to be blown out of her, but it was sucked back into Daphne's mouth like it was being pulled in with a vacuum cleaner. As Linda stood looking on with unrestrained joy, Daphne's throat convulsed again. She gulped the gooey mixture of her own and my cum back down the tunnel and stood, bent slightly, breathing with relief, when the next shock wave took her off her feet. She retched her cum up again, beginning to look faint but unable to stop the spasms, as the oozing gag slipped halfway out again, but not far enough to come out. Spasm after spasm rocked her; heaving gut blasting the cum up into her mouth and bringing it back down again to reload when it splashed against the blocking gag. Daphne was beginning to weaken. Sweat covered her forehead and matted her hair down in wet pleats as she was worked over in that spastic seizure, alternately swallowing and then heaving up her own cum, throat bulging visibly as it was forced up and down. After about a minute and a half she looked like she had had all she could take, when Linda announced, "OK. I think she's had enough.". Daphne fell to her knees, still racking, eyes turning back inward into her head. Straddling her from the back, Linda grasped the leash to immobilize her and, bunching all five fingers of her other hand, pushed the blunt point of her hand tool between Daphne's wet lips. Not letting up, Linda continued to push her fingers in. Spreading Daphne's lips so wide that they lost their color, she let her fingers widen out around the soaked gag-rag. I continued to stare dumbfounded as Linda worked her mammoth hand, until, suddenly, Daphne's mouth resistance gave way. Her jaws snapped open a further three inches, locked almost straight up and down, as Linda's knuckles slid on in through the gaping mouth. I began to heat up again, hardening at the sight of Linda's whole fist in Daphne's mouth, the lips having sucked closed around her thick wrist. It looked like she was fellating Linda's arm like a huge horse dick. Linda's fingers squashed around the massive mouth gag, bulging out Daphne's cheeks like a monstrous cockhead. Incredibly, I began stroking my stiff meat again as Linda began pistoning her forearm. Daphne's face was almost lifeless now, but her lips reacted automatically like any woman's should when a thick, fleshy pole slides in and out of them. They latched on to the wrist and began slurping and sucking as Linda pumped her arm-cock. But it was no good. Daphne had fainted even while her lips continued to suck and Linda realized that Daphne had truly had enough for now. With one yank, she pulled out the fist and gag. We all froze when Margaret knocked on the closed door and yelled in, "Hey you guys! Break time was over five minutes ago. Let's get back to work! Remember, Gene will be here any time now.". I realized that this must be why no one had bothered us. It was normal routine for people to take their breaks in this room, close the door and watch TV. But it still made me jump when she yelled in at us. I couldn't believe we had been in there for only twenty minutes. It seemed like a whole day, but there were several hours to go. Linda was the only one who thought to answer her. She yelled back, "OK. we'll be right out.". I didn't know how we were going to do that. Daphne was still kneeling, fainted, in the middle of the floor, her blouse, twisted into a rope around her neck, the only thing holding her upright. Her jeans were pulled down to her knees; underpants hanging limply now, twisted out of shape, stained tan on the bottom and sopping white on top. Her hair was matted down and sweat dripped from her cum stained face and tits. She didn't look ready to go anywhere. I was kneeling on top of a table panting with exhaustion, pants stained with cumjuice, mine and Daphne's; my slick, raw, red tool still stiff from my last abortive jack-off. But, being only part-time and having to work on the equipment anyway, I could afford to stay in there until I could figure something out. And Jeff, who had just watched the whole thing, was supposed to be in there. He just went back to his desk. Linda hadn't even broken a sweat and she still had all her clothes on. Once again, Linda took charge of Daphne. She moved in front of her and, with gentle expertise, slapped her face. Daphne awoke, a little panicky at seeing Linda, but too exhausted to do anything about it, and closed her eyes in deep shame. Another slap, this time a backhander, brought her to full attention again. Sarcastic words were thrown at her, "Come on little Daphne. Margaret says we have to get you cleaned up so we can get you back to work. But it won't be as much fun as the work we just did, huh?!". In the space of a minute or two I watched Linda put things back in their place. She threw the used cum container in the trash can along with the wad of rolled up socks. She poked me a painful shot in the arm and whispered visciously, "Get down off of there! And get yourself cleaned up. I'm going to open that door in another minute!". I thought, "Jesus! That was a really hard punch for a woman!". Holding my bruised shoulder, I climbed down and started getting back into my pants as Linda turned her attention back to Daphne. Reaching around in back to the leash, Linda yanked her to a standing position. Then, reaching around with both hands, she pulled and yanked at the panties, trying to reform them around Daphne's butt, but they didn't have enough elastic left in them even for her huge mounds, so Linda just ripped them off at the seams, hitched up her jeans and buttoned them snug. For some reason I couldn't understand, Linda balled up the greasy, stained panties and stuck them in her pocket where the socks had been. "Yuck! What could she want with those things?", I wondered, seeing that they made twice as big a ball as the socks had. Still reaching around in back, she undid the wrist cuffs. Numb, yet painful from fifteen minutes of being bent into that unnatural position, Daphne's arms flopped down at her sides, limp and useless. Linda unrolled the blouse and tried to smooth it down over Daphne's cum-dripping boobs, but it was so wrinkled that it wouldn't quite make it. It looked a royal wrinkled mess and she could only stretch it down to the middle of her stomach, her cute belly button showing out above her pants. Linda let it go at that. No time. Next, she whipped a spike-comb from her back pocket and hastily drew it through Daphne's matted hair. She screamed out in pain as the four-inch spikes scraped her skull and ripped through the sweaty knots in her hair, but her mouth was so painful from being stretched by Linda's fist and the gag, her throat still filled with sticky cum and phlegm, that it came out only as a soft coughing gurgle. After raking Daphne's hair in to a vaguely presentable do, she grabbed some paper towels from Jeff's desk. Dunking them in some cold stale coffee in Jeff's cup, she toweled the cum off Daphne's face, rubbing hard and fast, and threw the towels in the can. Linda pulled the door open and, with one chunky arm around her shoulder, led the weak, trembling girl quickly out of the room. Shielding Daphne from the others with her bulky body, Linda half-dragged her rapidly toward the restroom, which was in the back. I could see through the doorway as she shoved her in and I thought I faintly heard, "Now get cleaned up good. And hurry. And no word of this to anyone. Besides, you KNOW you loved it, you pretty little bitch, and you know you'll want more later.". With that, the bathroom door shut, Linda went back to her reports, I went back to my repair and things went on as if nothing had happened. None of the others even suspected what had gone on in that room right under their noses! I worked steadily on, still kind of hot and sweaty, keeping one eye on the bathroom door (it was unisex and I had to go real bad). Finally, after about five agonizing minutes, Daphne came out. As I rushed for the john I could see that she had, by some miracle, made her self over into something pretty close to normal. Her hair was still a little damp, but drying fast back into those cute little brunette ringlets. And her face was washed clean, though still somewhat red and raw from the paper towels. The look on her face, however, was another story. Although not crying, her head kind of moped down and from the vacant depths of staring eyes she looked at me accusingly with a mixture of hatred and shame. I felt low, lower than a snake in the grass at that point. Even the sight of that big, bobbling back end failed to arouse me as she shuffled slowly into the other room. Truly ashamed of what I had done, I flopped into the john. Feeling greatly relieved after my piss, I went back to work. This was going to be a long one. Machines had broken down all over the place. I knew it was going to take me at least a couple of hours to fix them. And, what with the big boss coming in, Margaret kept popping in on me, asking me if I was finished yet. Her dark green wraparound skirt flounced wildly on her sleek swiveling hips and small, taut ass-muscles every time she ran in there. And I could tell from her erect button nipples poking out from her light green blouse that she was getting excited about the upcoming visit. A little peeved at her constant interruptions, I told her somewhat curtly that I'd have a lot better chance of getting done in time if she'd leave me alone. A blush formed on her high-riding cheeks that matched her red hair and she immediately began apologizing, saying that she was nervous about Gene coming. I told her that I understood and that I would work extra hard to get it all done for her. I stared at her muscular, tan calves as she walked out and thought, "Hmmmm. She ain't that badly shaped after all; kinda skinny still, but muscular like those iron pumping ladies I saw on TV, only not as grossly bulked up. And where did that tan come from. It looks pretty hot on a redhead. I wonder if it goes all the way up?". It was like seeing her for the first time. Shaking the cobwebs from my head, I went back to work again, but soon found myself talking to Jeff. I said, "Hey man. What the hell. Does this thing happen all the time around here or what? And why weren't you doing anything through all that stuff?". He shrugged a little laugh off his shoulders and answered, "No, it don't happen all the time. I only seen it twice before. Only I never seen it this hot before. Linda was like some kinda animal. I ain't messin' around with her though. No way. I'm afraid of her. And I wouldn't know what to do anyway. Poor Daphne, though. I never seen or heard of some of that shit. Linda forced her to get off but I don't think she really liked it. I gotta confess, the most I've ever done is bring off this girl at school once with my hand. I'd rather just concentrate on my work.". "OK", I thought, "but someday your gonna find out what it's all about and then work won't mean a thing.". I resumed my efforts to get the machines running right again. I looked up and saw that it was about one o'clock. I had spent the last two hours concentrating hard and had just about finished up, everything back in working order. Apparently Daphne had had no trouble concealing her morning episode from her co-workers and Margaret hadn't been back to bother me either. I packed up my tools, pretty satisfied with myself, and prepared to get the hell out of there. I strolled out in to the main office preparing to leave. Past Linda, who didn't even acknowledge my presence; and past Diane, standing there innocently. Just at the moment I walked by she bent over to pick something up. As most women do when they think no one is looking, she bent straight at the waist, not bending her knees at all; legs locked straight up and down. The tight, white cotton shift rode up, higher and higher. She wore no nylons and, for that second or two, I had an unobstructed view up and down almost the whole length of her soft, young, cream-colored thighs. Her bending pushed her smooth, round, little behind high in the air toward me, the widening split between her butts stretching the cotton to the breaking point. I was beginning to sweat a little when I saw Linda sneak a leering grin at the young flesh displayed in front of her. My eyes locked hers in a stare that told her in no uncertain terms, "I know what's on your mind. You lay a hand on her and you'll answer to me. Over my dead body Linda, over my dead body.". She gave me a shrug that said, "We'll see" and went back to work. Shuddering at the thought, I walked into the main office. Daphne sat at a desk facing away from me. She sat in a typical office chair; you know, the kind with a small backrest high up on a two inch diameter stalk set in the seat. The thick shiny stainless steel pole had worked its way into Daphne's jeans as she sat. Part of her butt meats, now unrestrained by panties, had oozed around the chair rod, gripping it tightly; the rest of the denim covered flesh sagged out around it and over the sides of the seat. My sweat increased at the sight, but my cock remained limp. All I could see was the brutal invasion she had taken from Linda earlier in the day and I marveled at how she could sit there working as usual all this time. She might have been able to regain her composure somehow, but I hadn't. I moved past her, gently patting the back of her head in sympathy as I walked by. Rudely shaking her head away, she lifted her downturned eyes to mine, remembering my part in her ordeal, and glared daggers right through my face. I wanted to apologize to her, to explain that I couldn't help myself, but there was no way. Lisa was sitting at the typewriter by the front door. If anything could have brought me back to life it was her. The heat start to spread through my dick again as I approached her, gazing hungrily and openly, but she was too busy typing to notice. I ogled my way down the length of her, starting with her pleasingly filled out face and moving down to the tight red sweater filled with her heavy, bulging tits. They seemed to fill the entire front of her sweater; so large that they were plopped solidly down on the typing table, Lisa's arms squeezing them together in front of her as she typed. With one hand in my pocket secretly feeling myself, I stood and stared at her sweater-bulging pair, which had to be the size of honeydew melons. The cold metal table had excited her nipples, forcing those nickel-sized paps to erupt forward nearly three fourths of an inch! I ended up in her lap, my eyes buried deep in the dark triangle formed by her little belly and bulging, red-nylon thighs. The micro-mini barely covered her bottom, now that she was sitting down, and I could see the round ends of her butt barely peaking out, also encased in the tight elastic. I focused in and thought, "I'll be damned if she isn't wearin' any!". The white flesh of her unpantied ass blended into the expanding red material, tinting it a dull, sexual pink. "What in the hell is she doing dressed like that just to come to a dull office job?", I wondered. "She is ready!", I decided. "And I'm just the man to give it to her!". Not thinking too clearly anymore, I formed the crazy idea that I would go outside and wait for her to come out. There were only a couple more hours til closing time. I'd wait for her and talk to her, ask her out or over to my house or anything. I had to have her now, today, and I was determined to get her; one way or the other. "Somehow she knew I was going to be there today and she dressed that way for me!", my hormones screamed at me. "If she plays it cool, don't let her get away. Follow her and make her yours!", my mixed up mind ordered. In a hot trance I waved good-bye absently to Margaret and began walking out, my plan now set. But you know what they say about plans. I vaguely heard her say "No. Stick around. I want you to meet Gene", but I too full of the vision of Lisa to pay any attention. Just as I made it to the exit, the door burst open noisily. I was nearly bowled over as the boss burst into the office. I guess I was going to stick around after all. The room became a mad shambles as everyone ran in to greet him. Never having met him and him being the boss and everything, the girls stopped short and shyly huddled together around him, not knowing what to say. Margaret, who had met him only once herself when she was hired as manager, took some initiative and offered him her hand in welcome. Let me tell ya, I don't where I got that description of him that I gave you earlier, but it was dead wrong. He wasn't in his early forties. It was more like his late fifties! Let me give you a little better description now of the man who owned the place, the man who I worked for, as I saw him for the first time that day along with the rest of his employees. First of all he was a big guy. About 6'4" and maybe 250 pounds. As I craned my neck up at him I could tell that he dyed his still thick hair. It was slicked back in a high pompadour. And it was a poor dye job at that, old-man grey growing out at the base of a jet black shoe polish bowl on top. Deep crags deeply dented his jowly cheeks and he wore steel-framed glasses laying heavily on a large, bulbous nose. He still wore the tonnage pretty well on his large frame, but he was definitely on the fattish side. I could hear him wheezing just from the effort of walking all that weight around and a light red flush blotched his sweating face. What a sight! Wearing a heavy black coat over his pin-stripe suit, he looked more like a sleaze than a boss to me. Meanwhile, the girls were backing away a little after taking a good look at him. They didn't mean to, I'm sure. It was just an instinctive move on their part and I didn't blame them. Linda was the only one who didn't seem nervous, standing calmly off to the side behind Margaret, who was still trying to shake hands with him. Swallowing her little hand in one of his big mitts, he shook it briefly, Margaret's whole body shaking along with it. "Good to see you again, Margaret. I'm very proud of the way you've whipped this place into shape. I thought it was about time I came and saw it for myself.". He turned his gaze in our direction and exclaimed, "And these must be the people who really deserve all the credit. Let's see who we've got here.". His eyes swept down the line as Margaret introduced him to his people; me and Jeff, Diane, Daphne, Linda and finally Lisa on whom his gaze rested for what seemed like an eternity. Her 5'4" frame cringed back just a fraction as his eyes bore down on her. Licking his lips a little, he ogled her obscenely, drinking in her huge tits, soft round tummy and the pink nylon bulging with her meaty thighs. Finally, he turned back to Margaret and shrugged off his overcoat, taking the suit coat off right along with it. Now I could see how huge he really was. Man, was he big. His barrel chest had popped one of the buttons on his shirt and I could see that he wore no undershirt. His pot belly looked like a big pink beach ball with a black rug on it. Yuck! I was so engrossed in staring at this guy, our boss, that I was as unprepared as the rest of them for what happened next. He was telling Margaret what a fine looking group we were and that he wanted to get to know each of us on a more personal level.... "In fact, let's do away with the formalities and start right now!". Nodding his head at Linda, who had been standing there as if looking for a signal, he commanded, "Let's do it!". In a flash, the room became a confused blur of bodies. Linda ran at Margaret who was too stunned to move. Her lithe, athletic body naturally fought back, but it was too late. Linda, grinning obscenely at Gene, easily pinned her arms backward in a full nelson and held her back from the others. In the same instant Gene, moving his massive body with surprising speed, headed straight for Lisa. Looming over her, he wrapped a length of her long hair tightly around his hand and yanked hard. A yelp of pain escaped from her lips as her head was snapped back, stopping her dead in her tracks. With his free hand he reached down and began crudely fondling her chest, the tight red sweater rippling and bulging out in all directions as his paw mashed and squeezed her billowing breasts. I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I knew I had to do something. Even if he was old, Gene had a good eight inches and about eighty pounds on me and I didn't know if I could take him. Besides, from the way things were shaping up, I thought I might not want to stop him. Things were happening so fast and my plan for Lisa was still warm in my mind. I didn't want to lose her, but the idea of seeing this huge old guy do her was pretty hot too. I decided to play it cool for now. Besides, there was someone else I also had had thoughts about. Jeff, finally showing some life, must have seen his chance too. His glazed eyes turned to young Diane, who was beginning to wake up and move to the aid of her mother. "Let her go! You fat bitch!", she screamed, jumping full tilt at the struggling pair. Linda, laughing in her face, expertly stuck out a boot and sent her sprawling, still clamping onto Margaret with both arms. Jeff and I both reached her at the same time. We heard a loud thud and then WHOOMPH! as the wind was blown out of her by the fall. Stunned, she instantly struggled to her feet in a daze, the cotton dress shifting all the way up, bunching around her little bottom, showing us a glimpse of white satin panties. Jeff reached her first, helping her up and, at the same time, greedily groping her ass. I got there an instant later and yanked him off of her. "Uh uh. This one is mine.", I glared at him. "You want some, you go get that.", I said, pointing in the direction of the door. He turned where I was pointing. Daphne, as if knowing what was coming, was sprinting toward the door in panic. She had her hand on the knob and was making her break to freedom, when Jeff slammed it back and locked it. Seeing that she was again shut in, Daphne collapsed, cringing in utter despair at her situation. I guess Jeff, remembering the scene in the back room, figured she was a pretty good piece after all. Daphne was grabbed by the back of her blouse for the second time that day, but all the struggle had gone out of her. Jeff's juices were flowin' now and he began to eagerly feel her up. Diane was fighting me all the way, but she was no match for me now that I had committed to going all the way with her. Her struggling pushed the shift over her waist, quivering buttocks squirming softly against my pants. I reached around in front, now in full sexual heat, and cupped her plump young sex, feeling and rubbing the mound through the thin white satin. In a trance now, I half dragged her over to a chair and sat down, pulling her from behind down into my lap, my middle finger beginning to stroke in her slot. She was still squirming, but not so hard now, as I clamped my other arm around her. I pressed hard, forcing her ass cheeks down into my lap. They spread out around the bulge of my hardening dick and I began to lightly dry hump her while steadily working her fuzzy, red-haired mound with my finger. From where I was sitting I could see the whole office with its row of three bolted down desks lined up in front of us. Linda pulled Margaret over to the one on our left. Letting go with one hand, she maintained her hold and cranked up hard on Margaret's wrists, forcing her face down onto the desk, just as her daughter Daphne had been forced onto the backroom table. I thought, "No. She wouldn't dare do that.". Margaret's skirt was ripped off, revealing tan, supple legs and frilly blue briefs over her tight behind. Whipping out daughter Daphne's wad of soiled, cum-soaked panties, Linda tightly bound her wrists in back with the waistband. Bringing the rest up in front through Margaret's crotch, she stretched the pink elastic to the breaking point and squeezed one of the leg loops over Margaret's head. With a little relief I realized she was only using them for better control. The pink band dug into Margaret's vagina, pulling down tautly on her neck and wrists at the same time, while Linda straddled her waist and sat heavily, pinning her down. Grabbing under Margaret's chin with both hands, she pulled her head up painfully and spat in her ear, "Now we'll see who's the real manager around here. I'm in charge now and your employees are going to work like they never have before. You just sit back and watch the show. Look at Daphne over there. She seems to be enjoying it.". Margaret couldn't help but look, her head bent back by Linda's vice-like grip on her chin. It was hard trying to see all the action in this three ring circus all at once and keep my control on Diane. She still fought me, but I had her arms pinned good and continued to work my bulge into her squirming bottom. She shook her head around and tried to bite me, red mane flying into my face, but she stopped cold when I popped my finger into her snatch, the white satin pushing in with it. Even through her panties I could feel that she was getting warm and wet in there whether she wanted it or not. I got another finger in and slid the panties in and out, the increasing friction heating the material and also building up a static charge on the satin. My eyes followed Margaret's over to the desk on my right. Ripping the blouse up over Daphne's head, Jeff exposed her bare breasts. Having surrendered completely by now, she didn't fight him as he grabbed a jug in each hand and began squeezing. He had made the grab close in by her ribs and with each squeeze her mounds ballooned out in front, flushing red in his tight grip. Her brown nipples began pushing themselves out a little at a time, growing stiffer and longer each time, as if being inflated by her pumping breast bags. Daphne went along meekly as Jeff dragged her to the desk. He let go, twisted her around and leaned her back. Jeff's eyes were big as saucers and fully dilated as he began twisting open the buttons of her fly. With both hands he made short work of it and soon worked her jeans down over her hips. Head bowed in shame, her dull eyes watched him slide her pants down to her ankles. Nevertheless a gasp came from her lips as he reached under her legs. One hand cupped her mound from the front while the other groped in from behind. Jeff jammed a finger of his cunt hand straight in, "UNNNH!". In back he bunched his hand into a full fist and began pushing steadily against her still slick ass crack, "OOOOOOOW!". In spite of herself, Daphne began to respond to the intruding fingers and fist. She tried mightily to keep her butt shut, but then she shuddered and raised up on her toes as her gluteous muscles gave out. Jeff's balled fist forced her cheeks apart and his arm lunged into the slimy, tan tunnel. Maintaining her in this upraised position by pushing up on her pubic bone, he forced his fist in deeper still. Daphne moaned again and then suddenly snapped her head up in shock. I watched transfixed as Jeff's arm went in farther and farther, Daphne's cheeks now butting up against his elbow. He was in deeper than Linda had been earlier and I knew from the girl's look that his fist, like a massive cockhead had reached her puckered sphincter. Gritting his teeth with effort, he kept up a hard steady pressure, twisting as he pushed to work her ass grease onto his fist for lubrication. Daphne's eyes bulged half way out of their sockets and her mouth began to contort in a painful grimace as her puckered hole began surrendering to Jeff's slippery twisting pressure. He had it halfway in now, her asshole stretching and dilating around it like a vagina in childbirth; only this baby's head was going in the wrong direction and into the wrong hole! Staring in utter disbelief, I began to responding to this filthy show and scooped my arm up under Diane's dress, feeling for her young titties. Still bouncing her up and down on the hard lump in my lap, I latched on to one of them, rapidly squeezing and rubbing the soft mound in a heated frenzy, feeling the nipple begin to harden in my hand. Struggling less intensely now, Diane began to squirm in my lap, rather than fight, as my fondling and rubbing hands awoke passions her eighteen year old flesh had never known. Her freckled face blushed hotly, but she let me pull the shift over her outstretched arms. I put one hand on each of her bare cupcakes and began to work them over in earnest, fondling and pinching their orangy little buds which had never known a man's hand. Her pink, painted lips had just parted in an ecstatic groan, when my attention was forced back to the desk. Doubling over limply, Daphne's knees sagged and her stomach spasmed violently. Her slippery anal muscle gave way completely as Jeff's hand popped through her back door with a mighty heave. So complete and sudden was her surrender that Jeff nearly lost his balance as his forward thrust carried him into her another five inches, his arm disappearing into her crack beyond the elbow! "Give it to her Jeff! Ram it home!", Linda was urging him, "Fist fuck her buns!". Margaret couldn't bear to look, but Linda moved a hand to the sides of her eyes and squeezed until they opened in pain. "Is that any way to bring up a daughter? You skinny slut! I oughta do the same to you.", she growled. She released her hold on Margaret's eyes and with the same hand ripped her cotton panties down to the knees. "But not just yet. Let's see the rest of you first.", she whispered. Riding on Margaret's waist saddle like a horse, she reached under her armpit and ripped her blouse open, the buttons popping off in all directions. Grabbing at the back of the collar, she yanked it down in back to the elbows. It acted like a straightjacket, pinning the arms in back and pushing out her brassiered breasts in front. Margaret started to buck in panic now and my prick grew another inch in my pants at the thought that Linda might mean what she said. Grossed out, but hotly fascinated, I watched Jeff recover and, spurred on by Linda's urging, begin to fuck Daphne's ass with his arm. A wet suctioning noise filled the room as he pulled out to the elbow, keeping his balled fist just inside her anus. Still bent over limply, she began to gasp quick breaths of relief, but doubled over again as Jeff shoved it back in. He slid out again, held it a second, and pushed it back in. Then he started pumping slowly as her bowels began to loosen and coat him with their brown, oily secretion. Doubled over, limp, blood rushing to her head, Daphne flopped around like a rag doll on the driving fist sliding up and down inside her large intestine. But the giant arm-phallus was beginning to have its effect on her sensitive back hole and she began grunting in rhythm with the slowly pumping arm. I couldn't believe after all she'd been through that she was responding to something like this! It was absolutely filthy, but watching it only made me more excited. My dick was aching, it was so hard and I began to think of getting it out of my pants and into Diane. Somehow I yanked open my zipper and it leaped out, running straight up under a leg opening in her satin panties. Thrusting clumsily, I tried to push it into her ass, but it only slid up her crack and settled in between her buns like a red hot sausage. Feeling the heat in there, I began jerking up and down between her rubbery moon pies, keeping up a soft massage on her swollen pear-shaped pud. Her moaning grew louder; hot, musky, young breath gushing into my ear; moist tongue licking as she blew in. I began pumping faster and her rhythmic butt thrusts began matching mine. Daphne began grunting loudly, eeeeuunnnnh! nnyyyyyuh! unh!, her face alternately straining and relaxing as she forced herself back onto Jeff's arm with each inward stroke. It looked as if she was taking a hard shit, grunting to expel the log buried inside her, but every time she tried he slid it farther in. Her powerful butt muscles clamped themselves down on his sliding wrist, her anus acting like a cunt approaching orgasm. The bitch was actually in heat getting arm-fucked up the ass! Hands locked on bent knees, she buck out of control on Jeff's jerking limb, turgid tits bouncing hard against her chest. The grunting stopped and her mouth began to contort into the familiar orgasmic stare. Sensing her begin to tremor and stiffen, Jeff socked his fist in and out of her like lightning, huge rumps wobbling wildly. The thought that this kind of action could bring Daphne, or any girl, to climax brought a spasm deep down in my root. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer and began pinching Diane's clit as my tightening balls began pumping juice up the shaft. Daphne was just beginning to freeze when Jeff balled his other hand into a fist and, with one shove, pushed the whole thing through her slippery, deep-red cunt lips. His fists slid for a few quick strokes inside her, feeling each other on either side of the thick membrane between her canals, and brought her off instantly. She froze solid, hands on bent knees, butt jutted backwards, open-mouthed face locked forward in a silent scream. His arms continued to work inside her as she watched her nipples spew cream like fountains onto the floor in puddles. Farts bubbled out involuntarily around Jeff's arm and she drenched Jeff's other fist with vaginal cum. I could tell from her eyes that she knew the shame of what he had done to her, making her come like this, but she couldn't move as he pulled out with both arms. As she continued to erupt, he moved quickly around to her front and stared into her eyes, as if admiring his handiwork. Stuck to the floor, still paralyzed in ongoing orgasm, she watched in silent terror as he straddled her upturned head and begin jacking off, the head of his stiff red penis squeezing in between her open lips. It only took him a few seconds of jerking before he came, shooting thick streams into Daphne's wide open recepticle. Her throat tried to swallow the stuff down, but it was too thick and she gagged, bringing her out her come-trance. Shivering down from the tension, she began working to swallow the sperm-packed liquid down, hands still gripping bent knees. The heavy cream overflowed her smacking lips, oozing out down her chin as she spat out whatever excess she could. But most of it she had to swallow, gulping large lumps of it down her pipe. Grabbing Diane behind the neck, I twisted her head around and slurped my lips onto hers, covering her whole, slightly-open mouth with mine. She tried to turn away but I held her tight, sucking her plump, pink oral mound. She didn't know what to do, but her natural female juices took over her young body, hormones beginning to spurt into her bloodstream from maturing glands deep inside. Her mouth began sucking inside of mine and I let my tongue slide into her, lapping and licking her warm saliva-covered oral cavity. "mmmmm ahhhhh uh uh uh nnnnnnnh", poured into my ear, freckled face flushing the color of her soft red hair. She hotly sucked my tongue in and out of her clenching lips, moaning quietly as I inserted two fingers back into her vagina. I cupped her hot little mound in the rest of my hand and began squeezing it in my palm; my tongue slipping and sliding in and out of her wet lips the whole time. Returning the favor, I sucked in and pulled her fat tongue into my mouth, gently blowing as I held it clamped between my lips. God, she was a sweet young piece and she was gettin' ready for me, even in the midst of the gross sexual brutality going on around us. Releasing her lips with a smack I held on to her tongue and sucked it wetly, pushing it almost all the way back into her and then pulling it back into me with gentle suction. A hot, wet lump began to press against my palm as I continued to manipulate her vulva. It pulsated and grew like a big, hardening nipple throbbing urgently against my hand. For a second I didn't realize what it could be, it was so big, but then I knew it must be Diane's clitoris. It was huge! I caught the squirming, pulpy organ between my fingers and began to feel. It was about as big as the end of my thumb and it felt like it actually had a head on it like a little cock, although there was no hole in it. The feel of such a big thing on a hot, teenaged girl was too much for me. I began to knead the massive lump between my fingers, causing Diane to grunt in sexual agony as she began grinding her steamy young buns into my lap. Suddenly, I heard a dull CRAAAAACCCCK! and felt a painful jolt of electricity shoot into my arm. Diane wrenched herself inward, legs lifting, toes pointing straight out and began twitching violently in my lap as I shot my load. The static that had built up in her satin panties had discharged like a lightning bolt straight into her huge clit! As if being electrocuted, she twitched her toes and fingers as I gushed cum under her panties, smearing it into her butt as I jerked against her. After about thirty seconds, Diane relaxed and began to sob quietly, knowing that I had given her pleasure that no woman had ever felt and that she would probably never know again. I pulled my soft member out from under her cum-soaked panties and lifted her onto the chair next to me. I put my arm around her, trying to soothe her, overcome with feeling at seeing her tear-stained face buried in her hands. She didn't know it, but she had also given me something I would treasure as long as I lived. "Please. No. Why are you doing this to me?!", shifted my attention to the center desk. Lisa was fighting him, but she started to weaken, realizing that she had no hope against Gene's towering bulk. But he didn't even hear her. Lost in his own world of sexual frenzy, the thought of fucking a hot young girl like this burning in his old man's mind, he continued fondling her cantaloupes. Reaching down with both hands, he hooked the bottom of the tight sweater and worked it up her sides. The material snagged for a moment on the long, thick nipples but then came loose, plopping out her mammoth, quivering mounds of boob flesh. Continuing to pull up on the sides, he worked the sweater up to her neck bending and folding up her flailing arms until he had them and her head trapped inside the clinging wool sack. The too-tight waist snapped shut and, as Lisa struggled to free her entangled limbs, Gene renewed his assault on her heaving globes. Lisa's bared breasts were huge. 48-inch fully packed blocks of jiggling, chalky-white flesh. And on her 5'4" frame they looked even bigger. Since she was so young, they didn't sag either; two enormous, heavy pouches filling her front from armpits to tummy. Gene manipulated the big piles against each other obscenely, hefting and jiggling them like two bowling balls, as Lisa struggled inside the sweater. "Goddam! This girl's got a big set of knockers, Linda. So big and soft. Look at em jiggle. And these cow-nipples gonna squirt a gallon of milk! Come on little Lisa. Stop fightin'. Don't you wanna get to know uncle Gene better?", he slobbered at her struggling head through the confining sweater. "Come on and get yourself over here Linda and get a piece of this. You hear that, girl? Me and Linda are gonna double your pleasure.". He bumped himself from behind into her back end, rubbing up and down against her soft flesh, raising the miniskirt on every stroke until Lisa's jiggling white buttocks shown through the red pantyhose. "God. They are as big as bowling balls.", I thought as I stared at Gene dry humping her from the rear. I could see the elastic waistband biting deeply into the thick love pouches on her sides, baby fat quivering like little saddlebags of jello. And she didn't have on any panties under there either. "Is this girl crazy?", I thought, "What does she expect, dressing like that? Whew!". Her thick nipples were fully erect now. I had never seen anything like them on a woman before, even Daphne. As big around as a roll of nickels, they stuck out almost an inch from her puckered, pancake aureolas; the dark-brown posts drooping down slightly from their weight. Covered with light-brown goosebumps and crinkly crevices, they looked like they were made for an adult mouth to suck rather than a baby's; they were that big. Swirling cracks deepened on their front ends and little gasps burst from Lisa's lips as Gene squeezed and rolled the hard, yet yielding, posts between his fingers. His fleshy face flushed in heat as he worked on the young woman, swallowing her up in his lumbering embrace. Linda, glazing over into that dull stare, grabbed a hank of Margaret's short neck hair and pinched it back, squirting tears of tears of pain from her eyes. "Now you just stay here and watch. I'm gonna show you how to treat your employees right. That sweet piece of meat is gonna beg me before I'm done with her." Planting one her big boots, she spread Margaret's legs roughly until they were as wide as the desk. She grabbed the green skirt off the floor and violently ripped it into two long strips with which she bound each of Margaret's ankles to one of the steel desk legs. Arms tied in back by the blouse and head restrained by the panty leg around her neck, Margaret stared helplessly as Linda left her and advanced on Lisa. Knowing what Linda had done to Daphne earlier, I pitied poor Lisa. She was in real trouble now, but I was too far into this to help her now. At this point I actually wished I were Gene, as I watched him roughly try to milk her big tits. Her head and arms were just beginning to fight their way out of the tangling sweater as Linda reached her. "Here, let me help you", she said. Grabbing and ripping, she shredded the cloth off completely. Regaining her sight, Lisa recoiled in horror at the sight of Linda in front of her. "L..linda? Not you too! Please, leave me alone! Make him stop, please.". But this kind of pitiful begging only spurred her on. Moving to Lisa's bare front as Gene continued to work on her from the rear, Linda hungrily ran her eyes over the girl-flesh in front of her. "Yeah, Lisa. You're gonna love this", she whispered as her hands felt their way down the back of Lisa's soft thighs. Unsnapping the miniskirt and tossing it away, she ran her hand down, rubbing and massaging Lisa's plump, round tummy-pot in slow circles. "Mmmmmmh. Yeah. So soft. So round and hot. I want her now, Gene. But let me suck on those melons first." Gene let loose and pinned back Lisa's arms, as Linda bent down and latched on. Cupping them from the sides, she squeezed the roots hard, pushing the fatty glands toward her mouth. Lisa's eyes began to water as Linda kept increasing the pressure, the force of her grip cutting off the blood supply. She squeezed and released, squeezed and released, pumping blood into Lisa's huge boob sacs. The reddening bulbs were actually increasing in volume as Linda squeezed, blood filling and tightening the sensitive mammary sacks. Holding her grip, Linda bent down and took one of the inch-long nipples into her fat lips. Lisa gasped as her thick, rubbery teat was sucked in. Looking on as Linda moved the hard, goosepimpled post in and out I thought, "Jesus, they must be sensitive!". She got her teeth around it, bit down lightly and then increased the pressure gradually, while flicking the tip with her tongue, until Lisa yelped in sexual pain. White juice began seeping out the deep cuts on the front end of the other, exposed, nipple as Linda's head bobbed up and down. A silly look formed on Lisa's face and she began raising up and down on her toes as she began to react to the wet sucking lips. Linda increased her pace, puffy cheeks huffing in and out. It looked like she was giving head to a fat, miniature brown cock. I eased Diane's rump off the chair and removed her panties, beginning to feel her up again, as Lisa began quivering in Gene's armlock. Squeezing Lisa's blood-engorged balloons, Linda fluttered the tip of her tongue on the nerved-filled nipple in her mouth. "OH OH OH nnnnnnh nuh uh uh OOOHHHH!", Lisa shouted as she spasmed in a tit-induced orgasm. Milk shot out the ends of Lisa's pulsating nipple stalks. She heaved her swollen breasts forward, spraying into Linda's open mouth like a garden sprinkler, as she bucked in Gene's grasp. Linda drank in the sweet nectar, licking and slurping it in as if quenching a burning thirst. Gradually coming out of it, Lisa turned eyes downward, ashamed of what she had been forced to do, and meekly renewed her struggle, knowing that Gene and Linda weren't through with her by any means. They were working as a team now, as if by pre-arranged signals. "Mmmmmm, that was good, you little milk-cow. Now let's see how you like the taste of it inside of you.", Linda drooled. Putting her full 180 pounds into it, she stood on Lisa's feet with her heavy boots and held her immobile by the tits; bending her over a little as Gene stepped back. Arms released, Lisa clawed wildly for Linda's eyes, but the big girl easily brought her up short. Grinding her bootheels into Lisa's toes with all her weight, she laughed, "That's it. Fight me, Lisa. I like it when you struggle.". Gene hooked his thumbs under her waistband and snuggled the butt-hugging tights down Lisa's midsection. Rolling them over her thighs, he got the nylons completely off, Linda releasing one of Lisa's feet at a time for him. She felt his big hands fondling her exposed, brown-haired cuntlips and fatty, white asscheeks for a moment and began whimpering again. Standing back, Gene began to get his clothes off. He unbuttoned and removed his shirt; fat potbelly plopping out, and then unbuckled his 50" leather belt. "Alright Gene, whip out that shaft", Linda cheered as he pulled his trousers and shorts down with one tug. A hush fell over the room, save for Lisa's whining, as we all stared at the dong hanging between his legs. I had never seen anything like it and looked at my pitiful little thing in envy. Linda gazed in admiration, Margaret gaped at it in terror and Lisa stopped crying, frozen in absolute horror, knowing where Gene was going to stick it. It wasn't super long, maybe about 9 inches, but, even hanging in its flaccid state between his legs, it had to be the thickest cock ever worn by a human being. Even limp, it was as big around as a beer can; a veinless, flesh-colored log capped with a head equally as big around. A deep, long cleft split the apple-sized head into two blunt, rounded halves already shiny with his pre-cum. He reached down and gripped himself, beginning to jack this massive thing to attention. As he stroked himself, it began to stiffen and deepen in color. It didn't take him long to get completely hard, the smooth purple pole jutting straight out, not bending up like most men. "Let's get her ready", he mumbled and grabbed the red nylons off the floor. Ripping the legs from the panty part, he tied off each of Lisa's massive breasts, wrapping them near the base as Linda removed her hands. This kept them so tightly packed together they looked like a set of huge dull-red butt cheeks standing out from her chest. Cinching the nylon tight, he said to Linda, "OK. I'll take her. Get yourself ready fast. I'm startin' to get soft.". He grabbed Lisa's arms and held her back as Linda began feverishly stripping down. Boots came off, but she left her socks on. Then the fat girl tugged her t-shirt over her head, revealing a nice little pair of knockers with small hard nipples nestled between fat upper arms. "OK, hold her down.", Linda stammered as she started pulling her wranglers down over her wide ass. Gene grabbed a chair and forced Lisa into a sitting position. Holding her arms locked around the backrest, he tied her wrists behind her with the remainder of the pantyhose. She struggled hard, knowing something was about to happen to her, but Gene finished the job by knotting her hair back around the chair post, locking her firmly in place. As Linda's pants fell down to her ankles, Lisa's eyes bugged out. She shook and wiggled violently, almost knocking the chair over in her attempt to get away, even though Gene leaned all of his weight on the backrest to hold it in place. I wondered, "Why is she fighting so hard? She know's it's useless. Besides, she must have seen other naked girls before.". But she continued fighting as if her life depended on it. Then I saw it and all of a sudden I couldn't blame her for trying to get away. Somewhere, in the back of my stunned mind, I remembered reading about this. Maybe it was in some medical book, but I didn't really believe it and I sure never thought I'd see it. But here it was, standing before me; a prime example of Kleinfelter's syndrome. Margaret gasped in fright, Diane turned away red-faced and I began rubbing myself again as we viewed the magnificent, yet revolting, specimen. Through some freak accident of nature Linda had been born both male and female at the same time. Not a transvestite, not a phony she-male, but a true hermaphrodite with both sets of sexual organs fully developed. A thick, eight inch penis covered with bluish veins and a large pair of testicles hung between her chunky legs from a triangular blond bush. Her wide ass was flat and muscular like a man's, but she had that nice little pair of titties sitting up there. And, as she bent over to step out of her jeans, I could see a pair of smooth, pink vaginal lips in the space between her asshole and balls. No wonder this girl was so screwed up. No wonder she had a weight problem. With all of the conflicting sexual urges boiling inside of her, it was a miracle she could lead anything close to a normal life. From the way she went after girls, the male drive must have become dominant, but I could see that the feminine urges were still working to some extent from the way she idolized Gene. All of this was swirling around in my skull, trying to sort itself out, but I was too excited to think. Diane, forcing herself to look, began fingering herself with one hand. She was confused, but the sight of that thing growing out of Linda, out of a girl, made her flush with heat. Staring fixedly at it, she encircled my dick with her other fist and began making me hard again. Her mother, tied and helpless on the other desk, closed her eyes in digust at the degenerate display her young daughters and employees were putting on. Jeff had taken Daphne face-down on the floor. Holding her down with a knee in her back, he wrenched her arms behind her and began tying the elbows and wrists together with strips of her shredded blouse. It looked like he was getting her ready for another hot session, but I was too busy watching the scene in front of me to care. Lisa, like a cornered little deer, had gone beyond panic and sat meekly, now that they had her tamed, and awaited her fate. Linda, tongue hanging out, was visibly panting in anticipation. Her cock thickened on its own, slanting and jerking upward to about half staff. Moving up on the frightened girl, she slung a leg over each side of Lisa's chair, slurring something like, "Okay, okay, my little honey. I've wanted this for so long.". Tied tightly to the chair post by her hair, Lisa's head was held immobile as the fat girl straddled her lap, the big female cock perfectly positioned level with her mouth. Gripping herself by the base, Linda commanded, "Open", and began pushing the head into Lisa's plump, red lips. Recoiling in horror as the knob of flesh sunk into her small oral hole, Lisa clenched her teeth shut to keep out the invading organ. Linda tried to force it past the enamel wall, but gave up in frustration and slapped her savagely, "Come on! Open it, bitch!". She tried to put it in again, but Lisa was clenched shut in deathly fear. Linda slapped her again and again, until Gene grabbed her wrists, "Whoa! Take it easy, girl. We don't want to damage this pretty face. Let me do it.". Placing the fingers of his large hands along the undersides of Lisa's jaw, he dug his thumbs into the joints under her ears and began a hard massage. I could see despair creep into her eyes as he worked her clenched mandibles against each other, all the while pushing in with his thumbs. The jaws are the most powerful muscles in the human body, but Lisa's began to open against her will as Gene expertly applied pressure to the selected points along her neck. He continued to manipulate her until her teeth hung open inside her clenched lips. He maintained his lock on her jaws while Linda positioned herself again and inserted the head into Lisa's rosebud lips. Gripping the top of the chair, she pushed in with her lard hips. Lisa tried to keep her mouth shut, but it was no contest this time. With no teeth in the way, Linda's large flaccid rod slid in easily, parting Lisa's little lips wide open, completely filling the moist, red opening. She pulled out almost all the way, then jerked her wide-body hips forward, stuffing it back in to the hilt and slamming her fat stomach into Lisa's face, "Next time I tell you to do something you do it, you little whore. Now suck my meat hard". Bending slightly at the knees for leverage, Linda began to rock her hips; smothering the helpless girl's face with each forward stroke. Her cock began to grow hard and thick with bluish veins standing out like quarter-inch cords on the ugly looking ramrod. Relieving Gene, Linda took hold of Lisa's jaws to keep them sprung open and with increasingly hard strokes humped her hot little O, stretching the lips even wider. Lisa, arms and head tied back, offered no resistance as Linda's engorged male member moved against the soft sucking tissue of her inner cheeks. Plocking, squishy, wet sounds melted into my ears as saliva poured into her oral cavity, lubricating Linda's penis which was now stiff as a board. Diane's fist jacked my cock even faster now and her own fingers rubbed in tight little circles over her spongy pud. Watching my Lisa getting face-fucked by Linda was really turning me on. I stood Diane up and bent her over the back of her chair, facing the action and positioned myself behind the deep slit in her young ass. Grabbing a mound in each hand, I began massaging her tight, round butts. They were deliciously smooth and as I worked the baby-soft buns between my fingers they actually began to generate heat! A warm glow flooded into my fingers from inside them as Diane began moaning again. With his hands now free, Gene reached his long arms around the chair. With one hand he cupped Linda's blond, hairy testicles and squeezed them softly. Coming in from behind with the other hand, he stuck one of his big fingers into her smooth, pink vagina. Somewhat shocked, Linda withdrew herself from Lisa's aching mouth and stood stock still. As Gene worked her over from both sides, conflicting male and female sex drives raged and boiled inside. She was grunting like a woman in heat from the hand in her tender pussy and her hard prick was twitching up and down as he began to jerk it off with the other hand. She began bucking her fat hips in his arms; desperate to come, together in one body, as man and as woman. Gene grabbed the big girl's hard tool and eased the writhing thing toward Lisa's chest. Her breasts were red as beets from being tied so tightly with her pantyhose and had swelled obscenely, nipple rolls black and tight with blood. Linda was out of control, jackhammering her cunt and cock blindly as Gene tried to guide her in. Finally finding the opening, she thrust into the crack. Mounting Lisa's bound tits as if they were a pair of bloated ass cheeks, she began to jerk rhythmically in and out. Continuing to finger Linda's clit and cunt, Gene gripped himself with his other hand. Moving up to straddle the back of the chair, balls skimming the top of Lisa's head, he pointed his penis at Linda's lips. Sweat was pouring off her straining face as she humped Lisa's tits, but her female instincts surfaced at the sight of his maleness. Opening up wide and lapping out her tongue, she obediently seated his fat, blunt sausage into her mouth and began to give him head. The sight was too much for me and I sank deep into Diane's hot, young vaginal slot, fucking her from behind with smooth long strokes; both of us leering at the obscene show. Linda grunted like a bitch in heat as Gene's sliding meat began to grow in her mouth, filling the opening completely. He was sweating heavily too, grinding his hips into her fat face, finger fucking her cunt, and staring down at her rigid pole pumping Lisa's bound breasts. Just then, I spied Jeff rise up from behind the desk on our right dragging Daphne along by her hair. Already, during the day, she had been fist fucked up her anus, had her butt crack poked with a twisted rope made from her own panties and had her delicious boobies jerked off twice. And she had come each time, but now she was truly sick of it. All the sex had gone out of her and she was fighting him, just wanting to be done with it and get out of there. Jeff, however, was only getting started. After arm fucking Daphne's asshole, the juices were finally flowing in this all-american boy and he wanted to put his cock in the real thing now. Letting loose of her head, he grasped a fistful of Daphne's bushy cunthair and propelled her along toward the other desk. Seeing her destination, she struggled fiercely, but, with her arms pinioned behind her, Jeff's painful grip on her curls forced her movements to obey his. Dragging Daphne by her mound with one hand, Jeff scooped up Gene's long leather belt in the other as he slammed her into the other end of Margaret's desk. Her head was held arched in the air by the taut binding that Linda had made from Daphne's panties and she could do nothing but watch in horror as Jeff gripped the back of her daughter's neck. Slowly, he mashed her writhing face into Margaret's until their lips crushed together. Looping Gene's belt around the back of their heads and then again around their necks, he notched the end in the buckle and cinched it tight, locking mother and daughter in an obscene, incestuous kiss. "Now isn't that cute. To see a mother and daughter so close. Go on Daphne, give your mommy a kiss.". The women tried to turn their heads away, but the leather strap held their faces tight and their struggles only worked their plump, wet lips deeper into each other. Moving around in back of Margaret, Jeff ran his hands over the bronze, muscular globes of her rear end, "Ooh mama! Now I know where Daphne got that ass from. I'm gonna love slappin' your cheeks". Sliding down to the tuft of red hair between her open legs, he squeezed and hefted her vaginal pouch, forcing her lips to part and blow a warm gasp into her daughter's mouth. Daphne's lips reacted to her mother's warm, moaning breath and instinctively opened. Margaret's tongue slipped in and the belt tightened down harder, sloshing and mixing their slippery oral juices, as Jeff began fluttering her clit through the red hair. Sliding his hand out from under her, he gave her tan rear a slap and she went on automatic pilot. Unable to control herself now, she continued tonguing Daphne, who actually began to respond to her mother's wet kisses. I was staring mezmerized as she began heating up again, groaning in involuntary response, when my attention was jerked back to center stage. The nerve pinch began to wear off of Lisa and her jaws began to move again, but she kept her mouth open. Little gasps and squeals erupted from those luscious lips as her sensitive tits began to respond to the girl fuck. Linda whipped it in; slapping her stomach against the raw nerve endings in Lisa's nipples until white milk squeezed out of the hard, black posts, smearing onto the fat girl's prong. Feeling the fluid pour into Lisa's tit trough, greasing her pole, Linda raised up on her toes and began humping wildly; contracting balls driving her into the male part of her orgasm. Just then, Jeff, who had sneaked over, mounted her large butt and drove his rod into her hairless, pink female opening from behind; commencing to fuck her doggy style. Feeling the stiff, male member poke and penetrate her, Linda matched her rhythm to it; banging her cunt backward onto Jeff's cock each time he drove into her and pushing her cock into Lisa's tits on her forward thrusts. Feminine sexual grunts erupted from her throat onto the hard sausage imbedded in her mouth as her female climax started to build. Stiffened to the diameter of a teacup, Gene fucked her puffing cheeks furiously, while his hand worked on her clit, bringing her to her female climax at the same time. His peach-sized balls stretched to the bursting point, sagging heavily with semen, as he stiffened on his feet. It looked like he was going to shoot, but he stopped pumping when he felt Linda start to go; wanting to time his own come with hers. Banging Diane's jiggling rear, I watched him try to bring Lisa off together with them. The chair began rocking on its feet as Lisa bucked and wiggled. She looked up and could see Gene's piston mouth-fucking Linda who was tit-fucking her while being screwed by Jeff from behind. She hated them both, but knew that these two gross-outs were going to make her come. And when Gene cupped her in his other hand, she felt the rumble deep inside. Sliding the middle finger in, he expertly found the G-spot on the roof of her canal and pushed the button hard. As if she were strapped in the electric chair, and Gene the leering executioner, she felt him finger her tender spot, making her twitch and vibrate harder and harder until the sexual shock took her. Sizzling up from her center, coursing through muscle and nerve tissue, it jerked the gorgeous young woman into a shattering come. Her legs reflexed and shot straight out, locking at the knees. Like a helpless epileptic, foam bubbled from her mouth and she involuntarily spat hot saliva onto Linda's fat belly as the seizure began to take control of her extremities. Her toes twitched at the end of locked legs, her wrists strained at their nylon bindings and spasm after spasm jerked her belly inward. Surging into her tits, it began to pulsate them, each rippling contraction pushing a visible bulge down the outside of her enormous bulbs into the vibrating nipples until they spat out streams of hot, pressurized milk onto Linda's lurching dick. As the hot flood of Lisa's breast cum poured onto her, Linda's male climax let go. Her thick back arched over with a snap, driving her spewing cock into the air. Flailing like a firehose out of control, it squirted all over Lisa, thick cum mixing with hot, runny breast milk. The force of her contractions burst Lisa's breasts from their bindings and thrust Linda up into her face. A random spasm of Linda's butt speared the open mouth in front of it and she began dumping the remainder of her man-load into Lisa's foaming saliva. In the midst of her male orgasm Linda felt a sweet, new sensation overtake her as the two men forced out her female climax. Gene pumped her head hole rapidly and then froze as his sagging balls squeezed gelatinous globs of male cum down her throat. At the same moment Jeff rammed it into her from behind, slapping against the fat cheeks, until his young, stiff dick began spitting juice into her female hole. "Please, oh please, Roy! Make me come too!", cried Diane, but I continued stroking her smoothly, keeping her poised on the plateau, wanting her to watch the whole show first. With the men pumping jism into her at both ends, hot milk spraying onto her swollen tits, and her cock filling Lisa's mouth with cum, Linda was being torn apart from the dual orgasms raging inside her. Her womb was jerking inward like a woman and her groin spasmed forward like a man at the same time causing her to vibrate in place as her spastic organs drained their love juices out in both directions. As the three of them began coming down, Gene pulled out of Linda's full mouth and finished off on Lisa's head, dripping the last of his cream onto her hair and forehead. Linda blasted her last few shots on Lisa's nose and cheeks, coating her glasses with opaque white ooze, but saved the best for last. I finally gave Diane a racking orgasm and emptied myself into her swollen twat as I watched Linda finish. She hadn't swallowed all of Gene's load, but had stored most of it in her puffed cheeks like a beaver. As Jeff pulled his limp tool out of her cunt, she leaned over and belched out the whole warm, slimy load onto Lisa's face and breasts. Completing the humiliation, Linda filled her hands with Lisa's slick, shiny mammaries and massaged the cream into them, the cum making delicious squishing sounds as her hands worked over the immense globes. Groggy from her ordeal, coughing and choking, Linda stepped back and huffed at Gene, "Man, you really shot a load. I thought I was going to drown!", and then in Jeff's direction, "And you. You really got me off good, Jewboy. But who told you you could do anything to me? I'd call that rape and I'm gonna get you back for it, you little prick.". Jeff only laughed, "You're not gonna do anything, you fat pig. You were begging for it and I gave it to you". She turned to Lisa, "And look at you, you little cow; all plump and juicy. You liked that cum bath, didn't you. Let me taste.". She scooped a big slug of the thick white jelly off one of Lisa's boobs and slurped it off into her mouth. Gulping it down, she barked "Hey! Didn't you hear me! What's the matter with you! Hey, Gene, I think the bitch is still coming!". Lisa's legs had remained locked straight out through the whole thing and she hadn't made a sound. I stared at her, awestruck, still wrapped over Diane's back, and thought, "She must be going into multiple orgasms just from the tit fuck!". Gene must have sensed the same thing. Motioning everyone else back, he reached under her sweating armpits. He gripped her slippery nipples and squeezed the turgid stalks in slow circular motions. With the binding removed, blood began pumping back into her tit sacks, filling them with a million pins and needles, waking them up. She cried out painfully as he grabbed on. Suddenly, Gene's eyes opened wide in amazement. He felt around under her arms with his big pinkies and then muttered at Linda, "Goddam. I don't believe it. Lookie what we got here!". Pulling her shoulders back roughly, he displayed her underarms. I thought I had seen it all that day, but I gazed in shock again at a second set of stiff, deep-red nipples growing out of Lisa's armpits. I had read about this somewhere too, and knew that it was possible, but who could have thought that I'd actually see it! No wonder she came like that. They must have been rubbing against the back of the chair the whole time. Everyone stood back in a circle around her and watched as Gene kept working on her. "Well! Come on little girl. Keep it going. You're gonna help yourself get off now.". He untied her wrists and jumped back as her orgasming arms whipped into the air. Moving in again, he grabbed the flailing wrists and forced her arms around to her front. Straining them inward, he filled her clutching fingers with painfully sensitive boob flesh. Having something to lock onto, her hands squeezed herself spastically, further stimulating the big set of nipples. At the same time Gene cupped her armpits and rhythmically rubbed her secondary paps, which began milking out their warm nectar in spurts onto her ribs. Straining the knotted hair holding her to the chair pole, Lisa's head began bobbing mechanically forward and back, building steadily in force. Her toes still curled and twitched on the ends of her locked legs and she began emitting little squealing noises as a series of orgasms rocked her. Gene released his hold and stood back with the rest of us. Silently, we watched the little girl, locked into the chair, slicked down with cum, fitfully grab and clutch her huge breasts and nipples. We stared at her for thirty seconds; forty seconds; a full minute! She began squealing like a pig and the heavy steel chair rocked on its legs as her head thrashed with increasing violence; building... building.... building........ "CRRRRRIIIICCCCCH....", her final spasm ripped her out of the chair, leaving the knot and two good-sized handfuls of her hair hanging on the post. Sprawling onto the floor, Lisa rested on hands and knees; hanging, bulging breasts dripping gooey white masses from their receding nipples. Gasping and panting to recover her senses, she gagged out globs of her own foam mixed with Linda's stale male scum in digust, while wiping the cold sticky stuff off of her glasses so she could see again. Pretending to be dazed and confused, Lisa's eyes furtively darted around the room, glaring hatred at Linda and Gene, but really checking for an escape route. Gene may have got his hand in her, but no one had actually tried to put their thing into her womanhood yet, and she was going to make sure no one did. Making her move, she bounced to her feet and madly dashed for the door, naked jugs flouncing in all directions at once, fleshy waves rippling up and down jiggling rumps. She tried to catch them by surprise and sneak her 5'4" frame through the circle of towering people around her. I was kinda hoping she'd make it and she almost did, but it just wasn't in the cards. Still groggy and recovering from her orgasms, Linda was stunned as Lisa ran by, but managed to grab a handful of hair. Powered by desperation, Lisa kept pumping her thighs and Linda stared in surprise as a large, wavy clump ripped off in her hand with a horrendous stitching noise. Lisa kept running, but the painful hair-pull slowed her enough for Gene to get her. Spinning with suprising agility for a big man, he got in front of Lisa before she could react, barring her escape route, and scolding, "uh uh. we ain't through with you yet, little girl.". Thrusting one arm up between her legs from the front, he hooked the other under the surprised girl's armpit. Squatting at the knees and then jerking up like a weightlifter, he lifted her with a mighty heave up into the air. In one fluid motion he pushed his forearm against her vagina for leverage and somersaulted her over onto her back in mid-air, legs scissoring wildly as she went over the top, and dumped her hard onto the desk. Man, what a move! Lisa hit so hard, she bounced on impact and banged her head a couple of times, knocking her senseless. Arms hanging limply over the sides of the desk, she lay helpless before Gene, mammoth breasts billowing out like large, white pillows. "Yea! Do it Gene. Put it to her! Take her, hard!", yelled Linda. Lisa began to come around and started sobbing, still unable to move, as he lifted her calves up onto his shoulders. Fat tears were rolling out from behind her rose-colored glasses, which had managed to stay on, as she tried to move her arms to cover her shame. But they hung like lead over edge of the desk. Still groggy from the fall, all she could do was weakly whimper, "Oh, no. Nooooo... Please don't do this to me. Oh God, why are you doing this?". Locked in his sexual fever, Gene leaned over her. His shoulders bent her legs straight back over and together toward her head, forcing her plump brown mound to bulge out between them. Gene got her feet into his cavernous armpits and held her locked in place as she started moaning and struggling again. I could see that he was still soft and would need some oral action to get it up again so soon. He called out to Linda, "Get yourself over here and gimme some head. I wanna bust this little girl.", but she had already moved to the other side of the desk and was maneuvering into position by Lisa's head. A faraway look wafted over Diane and she made a move to get up, but I stopped her, "What's the matter with you? Are you nuts?". But she struggled free and whispered in my ear, "I know. I know he's a bastard, but I've got to do this. I can't explain it, but I have to have his huge thing in my mouth. Please don't stop me.". I knew I had to let her go and sadly watched her small, sexual form timidly move toward him. Kneeling in front of him, between him and the desk, she put her little fingers around him, only able to encircle about half of it even when he was limp. A little unsure of what to do with the ugly, enormous horse dong, she just kind of handled it, flopping it around near her face. Gene began swelling and stiffening in the hot little hand, forcing her to use both hands to grip him now and softly encouraged her, "That's it, little darlin'. Don't be afraid of it. You just open wide, like at the dentist and uncle Gene will give you a lollipop to suck.". Diane's cute, freckled face stared in awe at the thick tube of flesh in her hands. Mesmerized, she obediently opened her jaws as far as she could, stuck her tongue out and closed her eyes. Gene inched forward and pressed the head into her opening, still bigger around than her mouth at it's widest. She flinched as the blunt ram butted up against her mouth hole, realizing just how huge it was, and tried to back out, but she found herself pinned, her calves stuck back under the desk. She started to panic, but Gene had her now and applied steadily increasing pressure against her lips, bending and bowing her jawbone into a wider circle. He had her lower body jammed against the desk with his legs and his fat, hard beer-belly smothered her bent arms back onto her face, keeping her palms gripped around his shaft. She cried out in anguish as the painful, unrelenting pressure pushed the back of her head against Lisa's taut, shiny buns; flattening the soft vaginal ridges out on her skull. She couldn't open up any wider and was in agonizing pain, but he just kept pushing and pushing, mumbling soothing words that she couldn't hear. "Goddam it Linda, I'm gonna split this little girl in two, if I don't get some help over here.". Leaving Lisa, Linda opened the small refrigerator they kept in the office, bent in and pulled out a quart jar of mayonaisse. Running over to him, she twisted the lid off, scooped out a mound of the cold, white, oily glop and thrust her hand in between him and Diane. Working and massaging the merangue, she slicked him down, also rubbing a heavy load into Diane's taut lips. "Ok Gene, come on. Push! Split those lips. Feed it to her!". Feeling the lubrication kick in, Gene bore down with all his weight. Diane's hands slipped back and forth on the cushion of foam as he jerked his hips slightly, making him even bigger, and he watched himself disappear slowly, deliciously into the young redhead's grossly distended mouth. Linda picked up the remnants of Lisa's red pantyhose and carried them, along with the jar, back to the other end of the desk. Gripping Lisa's weakened right forearm, she brought the wrist up and across; knotting it tightly to her left knee. Repeating the process on the left arm and right knee with the remaining panty leg, she got her into a nice cradle. Gene's shoulders pressured her ankles to hold her knees bent just enough to keep her limbs stretched to the limit, exposing the shiny red lumps of nipple in her armpits. Feeling herself become increasingly immobile, being folded up little by little, Lisa began to blubber as they increased their control. There was little she could do now except thrash her head and Linda soon put a stop to that too. Her head was hanging down over the edge of the desk and she watched upside-down, through a sheet of tears as Linda began stroking her flaccid tool again until it became semi-hard. "Mmmmm, lemme get some of that grease. I wanna slide into that little mouth of yours reeeal easy." Linda plunged her semi-stiff cock straight into the jar of now warm mayo and jacked the jar back and forth on it; the whipped oil and egg yolks sending thick, mucking sounds into Lisa's ear. Linda swelled and hardened to her full eight inches in the warm creme and then pulled out. I could see thick blue veins worming their way around her two inch diameter rod, which was piled high with mounds of the white, greasy gunk. Pinching Lisa's nose shut with the thumb and forefinger of her right hand, Linda pressed down on her forehead with the palm, pushing her head almost straight down, her smooth white neck jutting straight out over the edge of the desk. Forced to breathe through her mouth, Lisa opened just a hair and instantly felt Linda's other palm apply forward pressure to her chin and leverage her jaws wide open. I thought only guys knew about this position (with the girl's head pushed down out of the way you can get way in there and give her true deepthroat satisfaction), but Linda sure knew her stuff. Of course, she wasn't any ordinary girl, either. Holding her open easily, Linda straddled Lisa's chin and mounted her small, gaping mouth. For the second time today, Lisa's tantalizing lips were split and her mouth speared by Linda's hard cock. The heaps of warm mayo greased her entrance and she gagged as her mouth became stuffed with the pasty goo. Not needing the nose hold any longer, Linda let go, her fat butt holding the head down, as she entered. She gripped Lisa's breasts and began to work on the big rubbery mounds of flesh, pinching and twisting the humongous nipples; beginning to move her hips slowly. With blood rushing into her hanging head, her tits and nipples being rubbed to excitement, Linda's hard rod pushing and sliding in her grease packed mouth and Diane's head being bounced against her mound by Gene, Lisa began to daze out. Linda pushed in farther and, with a heave, split herself onto Lisa's nose. In a fog, Lisa began to respond as the rod stroked in and out of her mouth with increasing force. Linda's face clouded over and she began to stimulate both her sexes on Lisa's head. Her cunt gripped Lisa's cute little button-nose, the tip flicking her clit on each stroke as her man-meat fucked the girl's oily, rosebud lips. Gene, now fully lubricated, humped Diane's freckled face and hands, "That's it, little girl. Suck it.". But Diane was in no position to suck anything. She was in real pain as Gene pumped slowly in and out. It looked like her entire face had opened into one, big hole, stretched so wide by his unbelievably fat pole. Her lips had peeled back, uncovering her teeth and gums and, as Gene rode her, they dug wide ridges into his flesh, exciting him even more. Feeling her little teeth gliding over him, Gene picked up the pace, beginning a hard, steady ram. Lisa's hips reacted to the back of the head pushing against her and automatically started working with it, ramming it forward on each of Gene's inward thrusts. With her head sandwiched like that and being banged around from both sides I knew Diane couldn't take much more. Gene had hold of her by the wrists, using her encircling hands as a tunnel in which he pumped the body of his shaft while the head of his cock filled her mouth. Each time he pushed, Gene forced a large glob of mayo into her open throat and she was having trouble swallowing, but he had her stretched so wide that she couldn't even cough. He pumped faster, rhythm breaking down as his orgasm approached and, in silence, Diane began to turn blue; windpipe becoming clogged with the stuff. I was just about to make my move to save her when Linda reached over and smacked him in the face. "Hey man! Don't forget what you came here for. Save some for these pussy lips", she said, pointing to the mouth between Lisa's legs. He glared at her for a moment and then admitted, "Yea. You're right, but this hot little sucker almost made me come. Thanks for getting me up, darlin'.". As he slid out and let her go, Diane sagged to floor, coughing and puking as she expeled out clogs of mayonaisse. Clearly exhausted, she was on knees and elbows with her head resting on the floor in front of the desk. Her freckled, rounded buttocks jutted up in the air, splitting wide to reveal the fuzzy swollen fruit hanging between her legs as she panted and gasped to regain her senses. The color had just begun returning to her cheeks when Jeff ran over and knelt down behind her, his prick stiff from watching the main show. Before she realized what was happening, he raised up into a crouch, moved his legs outside of hers and mounted her butt. He pressed down on her back with one hand, pushed from underneath on her tummy with the other to hold her up and inserted his tool into the plump orange ball, splitting her into two juicy slices. The poor girl was too weak to fight him, still gagging from the mouth-fuck, but he immediately rammed all the way in and started pounding her with hard, driving strokes. Burns singed her cheek as Jeff's pumping power scraped her face back and forth along the scruffy office carpet and she cried out in pain. I made a move to help her, but was stopped short when I heard her cries melt into..... "Unh! Oh yeah, pump me. Mmmmmph! Do it hard. Mmmummummmuh!". As I watched him continue to ride her rear, I felt myself pulsing and getting hard again. Desperate for relief, my eyes darted over to Daphne. Still strapped around the neck with Gene's belt to her mother, her magnificent butts jiggled fiercely as she bucked her hips and moaned in response to Margaret's tongue in her mouth. Forgetting all that had I had done earlier, I moved in behind her and squeezed those huge butt bags, my hands melting into the soft flesh. She slithered her tongue out of her mother's mouth just long enough to plead, "Stick me Roy. Eeeeeeyuuunh! Ooh, please. Put it in. Spread my buns and fuck me doggy-style.". That was all I needed to hear. Circling my cock with one hand, I started fisting my erection and slipped my other hand into her fifteen-inch crack, feeling in the warm, greasy tunnel for her pussy. "Aaaaah! Oh yeah baby. You like mayo on your meat, don't ya.", Linda cooed. She was really moving now, force-feeding her purple prick in and out of the tight mouth with increasing speed and rhythm, her wide rump slapping Lisa's head into the desk. The faster she stroked, the more she whipped up the emulsion, enlarging the mass of oil and egg yokes even further. Lisa couldn't contain it and the stuff began forcing its way out in foamy donuts around Linda's pole each time she drove into the inert lips. "Come on Gene. Mmmmm! Put it in her. Split the cow-bitch's twat before I come. Unh!" Lifting a knee up at a time, Gene climbed up onto the desk, Lisa's feet still crushed in his armpits. His body length forced her knees and wrists to bend inward just to keep her legs from breaking and her butt stretched tight back in the process. Her brown, textured cunt lips mushed out like a giant mushroom from between the white globes, blossoming open like a flower pod and peeling back the foreskin of her quivering clit. Big Gene clamped a vice-like hand around each of her biceps, pinning her upper body down to the desk. Raising up on locked arms, he fitted the bulb of his piston into her vaginal lips. It snuggled into the deep coral opening, bulging the brown ridges out around it, a big clump of mayo coating them with thick, lubricating film. Lisa closed her eyes in despair, not daring to believe, yet knowing what would come next. Lisa was gagging on the acrid mayonaisse as Linda fucked her mouth and nose, but, still, I thought I heard her grunt out, "No! No! No!" as Gene entered her. Her knees were bent over together almost onto her chest. Her wrists, being crossed and tied to her knees, were forced to come with them, opening up her armpits wide. With his thumbs, Gene flicked Lisa's underarms, exciting the swollen nipples, sending a shudder through the tightly tied package. At the same instant, putting all his weight into his ass, he drove his spike into her. Lisa's elastic outer cunt lips widened to accept the huge instrument and she let out a muffled scream from her stuffed mouth as Linda squealed in delight, "Alright Daddy! Slip it in. Split her in two!". He pushed it in, the four-inch wide pole spreading her wide, but stopped abruptly after about three inches of the head had disappeared. Surprised, he pulled out and rammed it in again, forcing out another painful yelp, but again he stuck after getting only the head into her. Linda continued to bang Lisa's lips as Gene looked at her with awe and whispered, "Well, I'll be damned. You were right. She's a virgin. Nineteen years old, with a body like this, and still cherry. This is going be extra special. How'd you know it?". Linda was sweating from her exertions, quivering as her sexual tension built, but managed to grunt at him, "Goddam it Gene. A woman can sense these things. I could tell just by looking at her. Now bust her open. I'm starting to come." Bending Lisa over so tight that her ass humps rose off the desk, Gene raised up and then slammed down with all his might. A low, loud wail erupted from deep inside Lisa as he sank half way in, breaking through the tough, elastic membrane of her hymen, making her a woman at last. He stopped, gripped in the tight tube of virgin flesh, and waited; waited for Lisa to fully grasp the new feelings of fulfilled womanhood that he had given her, before continuing. Raising up, he drove it home again, this time getting six inches into her. Surprisingly, she didn't bleed at all as he continued to pull out and ram it in, again and again, sliding an inch more of his meat farther into her each time. Finally, buried nine inches deep inside the virgin tunnel, he started to pump her with slow, deep strokes, just as Linda began to climax in her face. "Oh...oh...mmmmm....that's it.", her purple cock pushed deeper into Lisa's open throat, jerking in uneven spasms. "Ummmm...sock it to her.", she raised up on her toes, big hips snapping like a whip. "Awwwh....aaawwww....uh..uh..uh....ooooooooohhhhhhhh!", her cunt went first, dropping an oozing load of pearly woman-cum all over Lisa's nose and face. Drooling down over her glasses and onto her forehead, the flowing cum drenched her hair; coating the brown, wavy locks into a slimy mat. A moment later, just as Gene began stroking for real, Linda plunged all the way into Lisa's throat. With her head hanging down like that, there was only about two inches from Lisa's lips to the opening in her esophagus. Linda caught her just as she was swallowing and forced six inches of cock into the tight, fluted tube. The pole of flesh held lisa's windpipe shut as Linda's male climax overcame her. She froze up, twitching a little, and squirted jets of sperm directly down the short, clenching pipe straight into Lisa's stomach. Feeling Linda's hot cum spit into her tummy, Lisa lurched and kicked, straining against the bindings holding her wrists to her knees, but Gene held her in position with shoulder pressure on her ankles and the force of his shaft in her cunt. Hormones flowed into her bloodstream from newly awakened woman-glands as she felt his huge thing pumping inside her freshly busted cherry. He had her distended to a five inch diameter, completely stuffed; each heavy stroke forcing her big butts to balloon outward before his weight slammed into them. Then the friction against her exposed clitoris caused it to begin growing. The tiny banana reddened in color as it erupted and jerked itself an inch and a half out from the top of her fat vaginal lips, until it lay jammed against Gene's pounding pole. His deep penetration rubbed hotly against her slippery inner walls, the friction burning her g-spot and building up a deliciously painful tension in the swollen nerve bundle at her center. As he fucked her, he continued to stimulate the nipples under her arms, while Linda roughly squeezed her mammoth tit mounds. Hot flashes exploded deep inside her groin as the big cock moved her clit tightly in and out of her hole, and when Linda grabbed onto her breast nipples she exploded. Her toes shot straight out, twitching rapidly, and shock waves rippled from her belly button to her plugged throat, heaving her chest up and down in Linda's hands. White juice shot straight up from her nipples like geysers and Linda got her mouth over one of them, drinking several blasts into her. Hot milk spat from Lisa's armpits onto Gene's hands, even as he continued to pound her and I thought the power of her climax might actually buck them off the table, but then her spasms began to lessen as her lungs ran out of air. Linda remained stuck deep in her food tunnel, pumping long streams of jism down the gulping pipe, as Lisa foundered in the throes of her orgasm. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she passed out just as Linda finished feeding her and withdrew her slimy dong from the slack mouth. Silence filled the room except for Jeff, who had gotten Diane turned onto her back. He had her thighs locked forward on his arms and was slapping against her upturned asscheeks, splitting her raw, red-haired peach into two plump sections. She was crying and moaning, "Oh God! Pleeeease, no! I can't take it much more". But this just spurred him on and he pumped harder. The guy must have had incredible staying power. He had been in her for ten minutes and showed no signs of stopping. It is a known fact that if you can pump her, without letting up, for fifteen or twenty minutes, any woman has to orgasm and cannot fake it. Not many men can do it that long, but it looked like Jeff was going to make sure with Diane. Meanwhile, the rest of us stared in horror at Lisa's lifeless form. She was a real mess! Her hair and face were coated with Linda's vaginal cum, her tits and arms covered with her own nipple milk and a gooey mixture of Linda's cock juice and mayonaisse dribbled out her open lips. She did not move. Gene, however, kept driving his tool into her, able to slide much easier now that he was lubricated by her cum. He didn't even notice that she wasn't responding any more, until, once again, Linda slapped him out of it. "Jesus Christ, I think we killed her", she screamed at his fuming face, "You better stop unless you wanna be fucking a corpse!". He stopped pumping and scolded her, "I can see there's still a lot you have to learn from me. She ain't dead. She only had the orgasm of death. A lot of girls go through it when they get busted for the first time. The lack of oxygen actually enhances their pleasure. Now get over here and grease me up. I'm gonna wake her up now.". Somewhat embarrassed at having missed that signal, Linda obediently walked to the side of the desk. Gene pulled out of Lisa, still brick-hard and four inches wide. He had stretched her so badly that her cunt didn't shut after he pulled out, the open chasm still pulsing with pearly fluid. Gene was still coated with mayo and cum. I couldn't see why he needed some more grease from Linda. Maybe he just wanted show her that he was still the master. In any case, resting on one arm, he turned to the side and gripped her head in his other hand and commanded, "Open!". She smushed open her lips and ejected half a mouthful of Lisa's tit milk onto his shaft. He pushed it in and fucked her mouth for a few strokes before pulling out and telling her, "Now, let's get her ready.". Reversing his position so that his big, fat ass was pointing toward Lisa's head, he straddled her butt. He bore down on her plump thighs, driving her knees, and the wrists attached to them, down to the desktop. This forced her lower back off the desk and her ass rose with it until it was sticking straight up in the air. Linda knew what to do in this situation. Lisa's ankles had been bent back to her head and her shoulders had been pulled tight to her sides. Linda grabbed the right foot and inserted it into the arm crack, trapping Lisa's ankle under her shoulder. She repeated the process on the other foot, boxing Lisa up tighter than ever, her underarm nipples exciting themselves on her straining ankles. Having finished her task, Linda moved back to Gene who was crouching over Lisa's upraised buttocks. The huge globes of her rump had split open, revealing the wide, greasy, tan hole I had stuck my thumb into many hours before at the start of this incredible day. Little wrinkles ringed it as it convulsed, sticking straight up in the open air. My eyes bugged open as Gene positioned himself directly over it. At that moment Lisa did begin to regain consciousness, to my relief, and I thought, "She IS going to die if he puts that in her asshole.". As she awoke, Lisa found it impossible to move, but she could raise her head and, as she did, she was horrified as she looked through Gene's spread ass. The first thing facing her was her newly violated womanhood, bent upside down toward her, still spread open and dripping. Beyond that, she saw the rounded humps of her butt sticking up and the huge prick positioning itself between them. But the thing that really terrified her was the leering face staring at her. Linda's face rose up over Lisa's spread cheeks and smiled at her obscenely from between Gene's legs. As if caught in some nightmare, she watched Gene point to her puckered hole. She sank her head back over the edge of the desk in despair as Linda opened her lips and deposited the rest of the tit-cum from her mouth into the brown crater. Lisa flinched as the warm fluid ran into her and then arched her back in revulsion. Linda lowered her head into the crack and planted her lips directly on the opening. Greedily, she licked and sucked, even french-kissing it with her tongue to work the cream in deep. Gene pushed Linda's head away and, crouching directly over Lisa's meaty humps, seated the wide head into her back entrance. She felt the dull pressure as he penetrated her, but was powerless to resist it. Lubricated by the mixture of breast milk, mayo and ass-grease he slid straight down into her. I had never seen an ass split that wide and, as Gene pushed his log deep into Lisa, I gripped Daphne's hips and mounted her massive butt from behind. I never did find her cunt in there, but it didn't matter at that point. I stuck it in as deep as I could and began pumping her ass crack, forcing another hot gasp from her lips into her mother's eager mouth. Gripping the back of Lisa's thighs for leverage, Gene slowly pulled out and slid straight down into her again, splitting her painfully with his gigantic sausage. Fully awake now, Lisa wanted to scream, but the pain was so great that only desperate, gurgling moans escaped her cum-coated lips. Margaret pulled her tongue out Daphne's mouth and began to beg, "Please, oh please.... Somebody fuck me.... I've got to have it.... unnh! unnh! unnh!". Jerking her hips against the desk in vain, she moaned and pleaded as her daughter groaned at me, "Yeah! Bang my ass, Roy. Fuck my juicy crack hard!". She sucked her mother's tongue back into her mouth as I socked it to her, slapping against the huge, jiggling white mounds. As Gene moved his plunger up and down in Lisa's ass, she continued to gurgle and grunt animal sounds in my direction. Each time he drove into her greased tunnel the round humps split dangerously far apart and her ankles surged up into the nipples under her arms, forcing a sexual squeal from her gasping throat. All of the hot, juicy action going on around her made Linda eager to get back into it. She started heating herself up by reaching under her balls to finger her slot, but her prick remained soft after spouting into Lisa's throat. Spying Diane being rammed by Jeff, she moved over, straddled the little girl's chest and got her into a schoolboy press, while Jeff continued to make her moan. Grabbing her arms one at a time, she pinned them to the floor by kneeling on her biceps. Diane struggled, flailing her forearms, but they hit harmlessly onto Linda's fat knees. The big girl gripped the struggling, freckled face between her knees by the ears and raised it to her flaccid cock. She forced the hot-pink lips open by twisting savagely on Diane's earlobes and inserted her manhood into the small, facial opening. Jeff continued to stroke her swollen pussy as Linda, butt resting on ripe little tits, began to ride her mouth. Linda's woman-cock got hard almost immediately as she fucked Diane's warm mouth flesh, her cunt copulating itself on one of the hard nipples below her. My balls tightened at the sight and I jacked Daphne's butt-crack with increasing speed, feeling a warm film of grease flow onto my jackhammering dick. I reached around her tied arms and slid my hands under the tight breast tubes jutting out from her chest and began to jerk them off, feeling the hard flesh pulse rhythmically in my grip. Lisa's melons were wobbling like two huge plates of jello resting on her chest, the thick nipples turning brick-red, stiffening and raising little bumps all over the brown saucers surrounding the inch-long posts. Gene raised up even further on his haunches, big fingers digging into the back of her thighs, and began to move the full length of his four-inch-wide monster in and out of her distended ass-tube in painfully slow strokes. Lisa's throat finally loosened up and, each time she felt the thing slide in and push her open, she cried out, "Aaaaaaaaawwwwww!". "Fuck her hard! Make her feel it! Slap those cheeks!". I couldn't tell if Linda was yelling at Jeff, Gene or myself, but we all whapped our girls with increased power, making them moan with heat. Jeff had been in Diane for almost twenty minutes now and she began twitching under him and Linda, her little toes curling spastically as his lengthy pumping forced her into her first full vaginal orgasm. Linda pulled her rock-hard tool out of diane's mouth, but continued to hold her jerking arms down with her knees. Diane's back arched and her belly spasmed inward in fluttering thrusts. Linda still had a tight hold on her ears and she bent her obscene face an inch away from Diane's, urging her, "That's it little mama. Jerk it on out. Come for Linda.". She began to blow out soft, gutteral grunts into Linda's face as they held the thrashing girl down. At the same moment fat Linda arched and rubbed her clit violently on Diane's nipple until she came and dumped a load of vaginal cum onto her heaving chest. Motioning to Jeff, who hadn't come yet, Linda got off and barked at him, "She not done yet! She's cummin' again. Get on her and jug-fuck her!". Jeff climbed up onto her chest as Linda got off. Pulling her arms straight out along her hips and enclosing them with his kneeling calves, he bunched her apple-sized tits together with his hands, working Linda's cum into the jiggly mounds. Diane must have inherited her sister's tit-sensitivity for she began to jitter again as Jeff cupped them. She moved right into her second orgasm of the series as he inserted himself between her hot little cupcakes and jerked his purple rod in and out. "Oh yeah, you teasing little bitch-slut. Come again for momma!", Linda yelled in the girl's flushed, sweating face. Jeff fucked the crevice between her little, balled up breasts furiously as she creamed again, screaming in ecstasy. And then he let loose, hosing cum onto her face and into her open mouth. After pumping her for twenty minutes, he had a gallon in him and his cock jerked all over her, pumping jelly-like globs onto her tits, into her red hair, in her eyes, up her nose until he had no more to spend and slumped heavily onto her. Linda, who had been watching her the whole time, grabbed her head in her palms and massaged Jeff's gobby cum into her hair until it lay plastered to her skull like a shiny red cap. "Mmmmm. Yeah. You been a good little girl. Momma should be proud of you.", she purred sarcastically at Diane who lay breathing convulsively under Jeff. "You just rest now. You're done for today. Now it's your mother's turn to show what she can do.", she whispered, stroking her hard pole. Leaving the spent pair, Linda strolled over to Lisa. She gripped one of her quivering breasts and latched onto the wide nipple, sucking and slurping it in her mouth, her tongue running over the pimply, sensitive aureole forcing out a deeper grunt from Lisa. "You like being butt-fucked by Gene don't ya, honeypot. He's so big and hard and wide. You dig feeling that big dong move inside your oily butt, spreadin' your cheeks, don'tcha.". Lisa closed her eyes in digust and then had them jerked wide a few seconds later. Linda moved down to her other end and stuck her head between Gene's pumping legs. She licked Lisa's round tummy-pot, sticking her tongue in the sensitive belly-button and then moved up to the apex of her upside-down wad. Teasing and licking, she brought out Lisa's long clit; the raw, pink mass of tissue bursting from its covering flap of skin. She groaned in delicious pain as Linda sucked it in, flicking her tongue rapidly over the tip of the nerve-filled stalk. Feeling Lisa respond inside her mouth, Linda released her to Gene's increased thrusting in her back door, "Do her daddy. Fill her ass.". Lisa was left staring at her own stiff clitoris growing an inch and a half out of her and pointed directly at her face. She began to shudder violently, as Linda walked away, her female organ jumping in the open air as Gene's humping fanned it. Linda moved to the opposite end of the desk from me and looked Margaret up and down, admiring her tan, muscular limbs. "I've waited a long time for this, 'boss'", she said sarcastically, "Now you're gonna find out who the real boss is around here. Come on. Beg for it, bitch-mother.". She reached up and fondled Margaret's hard tits, rubbing her rosy nipples until they began to firm up. I pounded in and out of Daphne's cheeks as Margaret gave in to the unrelenting pressure of her daughter's hot mouth blowing into hers and the squeezing hands on her breasts. "Oh PLEASE, Linda. Fuck me. With that thing!", she cried out, "You're the boss. Just stick it in me and start pumping.". "That's better, you heifer. Now squirt it for me.", Linda commanded. Digging into Margaret's short crack, she spread the two halves of her bronze butt roughly. With a grunt, Margaret jerked her vagina downward and an ooze of pearly juice filled the fleshy cracks and crevices. Linda palmed Margaret's sex, massaging the pre-cum deeper into the lips, heating the middle-aged woman up to a fever pitch. And then the twenty-year-old perversion drove her hard cock in with one viscious stroke. Margaret leapt forward, as Linda speared her wet snatch, poking her tongue deep into Daphne's throat. Mother and daughter matched each other moan for moan, their lips smacking together, held in place by the leather thong, as Linda and I banged their rear ends. Lisa began crying out loudly as Gene's ram forced her into an ass-induced climax, something she had never experienced before. "Oh.. Oh.. Oh.. Uh.. Uh.. Uh.. UhOWWWWWEEE! UUUUAAAAOOOOOOWW!", she screamed as Gene let go, shooting spurts of hot jism straight down into her rump from his bulging balls. He kept pumping as he continued to shoot, the hot lava pouring into the screaming girl's brown canal and erupting out onto her reddened cheeks. He jerked himself out of the puddle of cum lying in the crater between her upturned rumps, jumped off the table and ran around to her head. Incredibly, he was still shooting as he clamped her ears in a vice-like grip and stuffed her screaming mouth. He flooded her tongue and throat while squeezing her cow nipples until they released their milk. He finished draining himself into the still-shuddering girl and then flopped limply out of her mouth, leaving her bound and covered with pools of cum and milk as he turned away, exhausted and red-faced. Lisa came down from her high and shuddering sobs racked her trussed body as she fully realized the shame and the pleasure that had been given to her for the first time that day. She tried desperately to free herself, but it was no use. Her ass cheeks remained spread high above her and both her holes stayed stretched open, cum dripping from the puddle in her ass down into her engorged pussy. Her arms remained crisscrossed tightly over her ribcage, huge boobs ballooning high in the air through the openings. Her wrists remained tied to her knees which were bent down to the desktop and her ankles remained pinned under her armpits, even now still tickling the hidden nipples. The tears flowed onto the floor from her hanging head, but Gene ignored her completely, now that he was finished using her, and urged Linda on. "Give it to her Linda. Come on, feed her that hard meat." "Ram it home!" "Ooh! Ooh! Mommy! I think he's gonna make me come!" Whap! Whap! Whap! "French her, momma!" "MMMMM..UNNNUNNNH..MMMMPH...OHHH! You're gonna tear me apart!" "Harder. Harder!" Blaat! Blaat! Blaat! "suck her tongue!" Squish.. Squish.. Squish.. Splock.. Splock.. "mm mmmummm mmmm mmmmm ow unh owee unh unh uh OHHHHHHHH!" Mother and daughter came together just as Linda and I released our loads into their slots, crushing their lips together and jerking wildly on our shooting cocks. The force of their cumming expeled warm, wet saliva into one another's mouths as they spasmed violently, Daphne's tits jumping in my hands as they spat thick, hot milk onto the desk. Linda caught the tit-cream as it sprayed on her hands and rubbed it into Margaret's jerking boobs, causing them to erupt as her daughter's hot milk hit them. I came like I never did before, filling Daphne's cavernous butt crack with juice as she took her mother's grunting gasps into her clutching mouth. Margaret jerked for half a minute, spending herself, cumming for real for the first time in years as Linda finished draining herself into her quivering, wet hole. Having satisfied herself, Linda withdrew from Margaret, giving her a pat on her split rump and said soothingly, "That was good Margaret. I bet your husband never got you off like that. Now you know who's the boss. From now on I'm runnin' things around here. And, if you behave, maybe I'll do it to you again sometime.". And then she announced loudly to the whole room, "OK. We've had our fun. It's quittin' time. Let's get the hell out of here. We've all got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow!". Well readers, that's my story. And I owe it all to computers. If I hadn't started consulting, I never would have met all those interesting people. I hope it you found it somewhat entertaining. It turns out that Gene ran a whole string of these operations around the country. He regularly ran their circuit, visiting each of them in turn whenever he wanted some action. I also heard that he had some trouble with the law over them, but since they fronted as legitimate businesses he always got out of it and was still in operation last time I checked. Also, I guess no one ever was willing to admit what happened to them in those places either. I can't imagine what went on in his other offices. It couldn't have been more bizarre or sexually exciting than what I had just seen. Or could it? Before I left, he did say that he would be glad to have a man of my capabilities on his payroll and that I should consider joining him as his partner; visting the other shops with him. I couldn't think straight at that moment, but I told him I would consider it. It might make for some more interesting stories. I don't know what happened to any of those people. I never went back there and who could blame me. I grabbed my clothes and tools and ran out of there like there was no tomorrow. Anyway, how could I have faced them again after that? But still, I sometimes fantasize about Daphne, Diane and Lisa; wondering what happened to them and what effect their brutal, sexual initiations had had on their lives. I thought about turning Linda in to the authorities, but didn't want to get involved. Besides, those women had really wanted it, once they got going. That's the way women are. They have no real sex drive. They respond only to physical stimuli. When you want it, you just have to start touching and fondling them. And if you touch them long enough in the right places, they automatically react and get worked up. All I know is, I had to tell someone. And the only avenue of release for me was this one - telling my story to you, the good people on this BBS. I know, from reading your stories, that you have very open minds, sexually at least, and I thank you for letting me unload this incredible story on you. Now, let me tell ya about time I was fifteen and me and my best friend ganged his twenty-year-old sister with a vacuum cleaner and a baseball bat.....